chubby ballerina

I resent that THIS is the book we have to fight with the small-town book banners over. Couldn't they have been offended by, oh, anything else?

I resent that THIS is the book we have to fight with the small-town book banners over. Couldn't they have been offended by, oh, anything else?

This is one of those things that, five minutes ago, didn't exist in my world and now I can't imagine life without it.

This is one of those things that, five minutes ago, didn't exist in my world and now I can't imagine life without it.

@mjlogue33:disqus In Dillon, it's either the Applebee's or the Landing Strip.

I had hoped this would be a Joan episode (out of the ash/I rise with my red hair/And I eat men like air.), but that would probably be too literal.

We're going to get Marky Mark to plant a celebrity tree.

I left my Cranberries CD out on the quad. Can I go get it?

It really does make you want to clear out the red caviar from your pantry and donate it to the less fortunate. Also, your old sports equipment.

We love our Newbery winners. (I was actually really excited when The Graveyard Book won - I'd been recommending it to kids and teachers since its release and the Newbery is good backup)

And The Graveyard Book won the Newbery Award last year, which ensures its popularity amongst parents who are trying to get their kids to read something other than Bionicles or Pokemon novelizations.

This episode was nearly unlistenable. Maybe the worst dispute/worst guests on the podcast thus far.

I was dorkily psyched about that, too. She's the greatest, all world-weary and cynical, even when talking about yams.

Abed was definitely Lennie Briscoe (he even had his badge on his jacket at one point, like Lennie) and it seems like Troy was Mike Logan, with the leather jacket and punching the file cabinet.

It is weird to me that people think there are no women on the internet, particularly sites like this, as though we would be less interested in movies, music, and tv. Do people really just assume I'm a man because I occasionally comment here?

Yes and that always bothered me for some reason. Also, why don't they have differently-colored animals in Bluffdale? Porkchop was a cool dog, but he would be cooler if he were green. Or Skeeter could've had a blue cat or something.

@avclub-64f720c4d4ffcf7df8535870aea4478d:disqus That's a messed up list, man.

In non-reality TV life, the designers would've had lighting technicians consulting, which would have resulted in the cool LED stuff. As it was, it seemed like they were basically on their own, so it's understandable they went for the glowy tape and fairy lights. It would've been so cool if they could've gone all out,

Good to know - I'd wondered about it, because I've never heard anyone say "in the weeds" before, but, well, I'm a librarian and not a cook.