chubby ballerina

Can we talk about how "I Believe I Can Fly" is the song about Michael Jordan freeing the Looney Toons from alien oppression through the means of basketball? If Spiderman is on the table, I feel like Space Jam should be, too.

@ Youth in Asia: I've really nothing to add to this discussion other than pointing out (annoyingly) that the correct phrasing is "you're a dumbass," rather than "your a dumbass." If you're going to insult someone's intelligence, you should do it properly.

If it were real Top Chef, she wouldn't've been able to go back and get the stew.

I was hoping for a movie based on the Ocean Spray cranberry guys. Like, the younger cranberry guy can get into all kinds of wacky shenanigans and the old cranberry guy can show up to save him and make some kind of eye-rolling passive-aggressive comment.

Dear Randy Jackson MF,
Your picture terrifies me.
Love, CB

I once heard a (possibly made-up) statement that alleged Toby to be the most popular name for male labrador retrievers. It made sense, as I knew of at least three manly-outlaw types who had labs names Toby jumping around in the back of their trucks.

I work in a library and as such, come to know things about books I have no interest in. Which is why I can tell you that The Last Song includes a key plot point involving a goth girl named Blaze and her boyfriend performing a fire juggling routine on the beach. During said routine, Blaze misses a catch, thus setting

No one can pander like the Backstreet Boys. Remember that bonus song they sand for their moms where the chorus culminated in "Mom, you always were my biggest fan"? It's so transparent that I think I respect it.

Phinneas & Ferb is a pretty great kid's cartoon, actually. I watched it when I was babysitting my niece and found it really clever and funny.

You shouldn't tell me things like that. Jeesh.

Yeah, I started feeling sad/old when Nick at Nite began playing shows like Roseanne and Home Improvement.

1985, the year Back to the Future came out.

I was annoyed when the judges were acting as though Emilio's Stephen Sprouse rip-off print was so unique and interesting. And the dress itself wasn't even constructed that well.

You still take shorthand? I didn't realize anyone really started taking shorthand.

I really like Crystal, but I fear the original songwriting she continues to bring up.

Do you listen to Filmspotting, K?

I like your vague references to the contestants. Because I agree: it's not worth learning their names until the Top 12 (or even 10).

I feel like I had this conversation a million times in college. One of my roommates, a Chicago native, was often asked to say "bag" for other people's amusement. Because it sounded like "beg" and ha ha ha differences in pronunciation are funny.

RR - Tim blogs on the Lifetime website. He also posts a dishy video on his Facebook page every Friday morning - it's shorter than his podcasts were, but still. Tim gossip is the best gossip.

I think his tolerability would increase exponentially if he shaved off that late-90s goatee.