chubby ballerina

Furthermore, "Time of Your Life" by Green Day. I heard that song so many times during my senior year that I wanted to kick it. One of the valedictorians even quoted it in their graduation speech. Stupid graduation songs.

Really? We're still doing this?

The evil alter ego needs to update his picture.


I didn't read it until I had a Period Studies class where we read Kesey, Ginsberg, and Kerouac (along with a bunch of confessional poets for the second half of the semester).

At the first of the season, I was ready to hate Seth Aaron based on his Hot Topic-on-a-nearly-40-year-old-man personal style, but he is really endearing. He seems like a really positive person. And I really like the jacket he made tonight.

For a children/YA book, it's pretty dark. And also awesome.

Yes. And the most adorable Tiny Tim ever.

My story is similar. And the next year, when I was an awesome eighth grader, I decided I was going to sell my Titanic soundtrack so I could get a Blink-182 CD. Shockingly, the guy at Hastings was unable to accept the soundtrack for money or trade, though he offered to throw it away for me.

Things I loved this episode:
- Coach Taylor's speeches
- Vince's uncertainty that he can deliver the win Coach needs - it was so sincere and spoke to the way Coach Taylor brings out the best in his players.
- Coach jumping up and down and yelling after Landry's field goal.
- Matt and Landry talking about Landry's awesome

Are beards a requirement? Because I didn't know and it might be a problem.

Yeah, she mentioned to Tami that she was only a sophomore, so she's probably 15-16.

Yeah, but it was a Look - something you remember once the show's over, whether you liked it or not. That's more than you can say about more than half of the things on this week's runway.

I agree - I thought it would be either Amy or Mila, but I wanted Amy to win. Echoing what FortyTwo said, she made a dress that still looked like burlap, but also looked like something a lot of girls would want to wear. Her dye treatment of the hem, in particular, was a great idea and beautifully executed.

But isn't it the point, being conceptual and having a point of view? A lot of contestants have been "practical dress makers" and were pretty boring as a result.

Yes - but Emilio's construction was better. Suede's seams were puckered and the whole garment was stiff. Emilio's appliques looked like part of the fabric and it moved easier.

Oooo, I just discovered: Tim Gunn's Blog is back! This makes me happy, though one must go to the MyLifetime website to read it: http://bit.ly/5NUdSg

Not terrible
Considering how awful last season was, this wasn't so terrible. There were actual colors involved! And possibly skill! And no Christopher!

I've decided to stop watching American Idol, but I came here to see what Karatloz watched instead.

I did have that thought when the police showed up to search Vince's locker, though. Would the McCoys be so evil to call in that tip? But, again, probably too obvious.