chubby ballerina

Lots of tears
This episode left me wrecked - Saracen's eulogy on the football field, seeing his dad in the casket, his meltdown at the Taylors, his story at the funeral, and than grabbing the shovel so he can bury his dad.

Yeah, Tim Gunn mentioned that in his interview in the LA Times. I knew that going in, so the designer's stilted introductions made sense, since they were talking to a basically empty room. It was weird, though.

Maybe they'll show one tonight? I was hoping for one, too. Most certainly, she was a beautiful child, as well.

I would watch it.

Geez, dominic, if you're going to dismiss us so broadly, you could at least get your historical figures correct.

Unfortunately, I have read the books enough to know that apparently, vampires have an appreciation for very fast cars. Because they can run so fast, it seems. And Edward's car is, indeed, a black Volvo.

Bravo probably made him go to the Andy Cohen: Useless Hosting and You seminar.

Crucifictorious! I hope we get to see them this season.

I was really excited when they showed Carol Hannah's inspiration because it seemed like we were finally going to get some color or pattern.

I think only the remaining three are in contention to win the money and the photo shoot. But yes, the finale usually uses all the models, plus some.

Oh, nice. Everyone rate it a B from now on.

Yeah, they did - there's an episode last season where Buddy and the boosters are working on the district lines and Buddy makes them keep a few houses because some of the younger kids are showing promise in the Pee-wee league. I don't remember the episode title, but it's near the end of the season.

I thought he said all of the top 18 were there.

Don't care about next week, really. Ratings, yay.

I really love Eric - agreed that Jenny deserved being sick after she was so awful to him and Jonathan last week.

I like Gail, also. She's really good at finding what works and what doesn't in a dish.

I think JD could end up being a really interesting character - obviously he's a jerk right now, but I think we'll end up feeling some degree of sympathy for him, what with his awful abusive father.

But who didn't love watching Buddy run after that golf cart?

I like how she laughs all joyful like. I want to be her friend.