
Yes, you are correct.  PFFR is definitely the best thing this world has to offer.

Maybe Mozart helped fist this?

Thankfully, this is the only thing we take for granted.

I keep trying to get into that one, mostly from recommendations and then there is the cover art.

I can't believe every single response here isn't the same as Masturbatin' Runner's… Honestly… my brain… funshions not more ani brit… laungerine

World War Z does pretty much suck.

Start by buying a ticket and going to his show.

I'm so glad that others noticed the cutaway to Rabin's smirk as they talked about women suffering.

Because he'll be making less music?

I used to have a friend who thought Bad Religion was better than Dead Kennedys. He's dead now. He died while parasailing.

You can't look like he does and not be on public radio.

Are super awesome, and I am pretty shocked that Rabin didn't use one of the awesome drugs from Transmetropolitan. Especially since he always seems to be trying for a Spider Jerusalem look in his press photos. These videos need to be longer and need more drugs.

I haven't…
Seen beyond the first season, but so far it feels like everyone in this show is an airport.

I am…
Going to become a superhero, but I will only fight my couch with my ass.

Seriously, are you Tyler?

I remember when Shawn got chest hair before me, and I was super pissed for awhile. What a dick.

No,you should feel the tingle of death at your heart door.

And she was like an exotic boner.

It seems like a universal rule on the internet that you will find someone replying to someone's comment in an area that they probably won't ever see it.