
Are actually pretty interesting to watch. But I'd like them more if you guys would stop cutting out the parts where you are all doing lines off of the table. Or where you guys are freebasing, but stay away from aluminum foil. That shit gives you Alzheimer's, and for you guys that would just be a bunch of

I don't want to hear this Rome excuse. Hell, Noah Lennox lives in Portugal but Animal Collective still find the time to make albums/tour/make movies. Maybe Joe is in boarding school and the band is lying about where he is?

I only partially understand the question, but at least 56 times (if a similar, but not exact, mental image counts).

Because that is what famous people sound like now.

I haven't…
I haven't seen any of season 2 yet, but obviously something terrible has happened to this show if the words, "Spoiler Alert" are being used in a writeup about it.

This album…
Is pretty good. The last one had an amazing song, but this one is just…

This will only be a problem if all the actors have the disease that Robin Williams had in Jack.

O'Neal is basically the Evan Stone of The AV Club.

I haven't really listened to this band, but is it basically the same thing as Jay Reatard where it's just average punk rock but with blog cred?

From what I understand about writing for a TV show, I sort of doubt she really just "decided to write a 'Packer gets his comeuppance' episode." I was going to write out my entire understanding of writers' rooms, but then I decided it made me sound dumber than this already does. But I'm probably right.

I bet he was totally serious about that! Myles McNutt!? More like Biles McButt!

Oh my god, I'm so glad that someone else thought it was Thunderchief too. I was sure that song was about "Thirty thieves and the Thunderchief."

Milk Man is my favorite Deerhoof album. I know a lot of people think that Reveille is their best album but that is probably my least favorite by them, though This Magnificent Bird Will Rise is really great to watch live. I would let Greg Saunier hit me in the face with his drum sticks.

I'm glad to hear this, I've been really looking forward to this album so I'm just hoping Jason is wrong.

Well, on second thought, Vanwyngarden may have just been really high. Either way, he was being really loose and goofy, but annoyingly. I dunno, I was drunk when I was watching so it's possible I was already in my screaming-in-the-mirror-while-taking-a-shit phase of drunkenness and was just being a hater at him.

He is a delightful dude and I liked the movie, though Andrew Vanwyngarden was super annoying. At least that is how I remember it.

Everything I've heard…
Leads me to believe that maybe FX is a pretty cool network where cool dudes work.

Also, does anyone know if BMSR is broken up or what? Reviews like these make it seem like he's gone off to be solo forever. I guess I don't know why I typed this since I'm going to Google it right after I press the .


One good thing about this show, at least up until this episode, is that they haven't presented a central mystery as the main plot hook that they intend to ram directly into the bootyholes of fans in the end. I cannot say the same about Lost. Wouldn't it be weird if Walking Dead solved its mystery in the show? I'm