
Granted, it's a graphic novel, but Domu: A Child's Dream sort of kind of fits that theme. It's pretty great and would make an amazing movie.

I second Lightning Bolt but let's get those Chinese dancers from the Olympics out there to do some synchronized convulsing and I think there should be explosions too (and lasers ((and might as well activate the Large Hadron Collider too))).

Wouldn't it have been cool if the kid had been knocked over by his Load instead? …And Justice For All.

I finally hate this site.

Why isn't there a Pay-Per-View channel of kids getting kicked in the face by men with mustaches/debatable goatees? I realize it would have a narrow audience, but I want to be in it, the audience that is.

Do people argue whether the squirrel or the dragon costume was cuter? Because that would be a stupid fucking argument as obviously it was the squirrel costume.

I bet I'm the first person to do that one.

More like…
Bad Charlotte, amirite?

I haven't seen too many really terrible glitches, though the amount of screen tearing is unbelievable. Some of the worst I've ever seen.

I don't want to perpetuate the pissing contest between fans of the two, I believe they've made it pretty clear that the band has equal amounts of input on everything. I love Person Pitch, but I think their best work has been when working together. I just hope that on their next album Avey goes wild again.

You are in luck then! This guy doesn't work for Pitchfork at all!

Avey Tare…
Is my favorite part of Animal Collective, so I was hoping for some crazy awesome For Reverend Green type stuff. Obviously we didn't get that, but I still think this is pretty good. I definitely need to listen to it some more.