
The quickening
What, Yummsh? Is the world of lesbian comics like Highlander? Can there be only one? Or only one fat one, I guess. Are they gonna have to decapitate each other? Not that I'm complaining…

I have no opinion about the music, but can we just agree to stop using "gay" as an adjective? Sure, the links have shown Mika's pretty damn effeminate, ostentatious, fey, and all-around hard to put into *any* category, but unless you're actually talking about whether someone is attracted to the same sex, calling

I can't believe E.
I just had an aneurysm reading the link saying of The Office "It's no CSI, but what is?" What the hell.

A fine list
Since a good portion of these songs seem to be about the end of the world, how about a mixlist devoted to songs about the apocalypse? I'll even start you off with Botch's "Afgamistam."

I love radar
… but i assumed I was in the minority, especially because I can't find the magazine in my local bookstore.

Female empowerment?
Wasn't "Dont cha" a minor hit for an Outkast backup singer? Didn't the Pussycat Dolls only rerecord it because someone figured out that it would chart higher sung by someone with a weaker voice and fewer clothes?

know what I hate?
Fish. In barrels.

it's called Parthenogenesis
It's asexual reproduction — doubtful it's ever occured in higher life forms, and it only produces female offspring. Unless Jesus was a woman, it doesn't apply here.

I miss Monstervision
Or, I miss Joe Bob being on tv (or at least on channels I can watch). Anytime anything reminds me of Somewhere In Time, I think "excessive Rachmaninoff."

Thank you, Andrew
Nothing of substance to say, except thank you Andrew for helping to fill the tom servo-shaped hole in my heart.

race based comics…
JesusJonesJamiroquai, aren't you the one who posted an ill-advised (and not funny) concentration camp joke in the "2-3 things I knew about him" review?

Garden State, anyone?
That terrible movie almost ruined several shins songs for me. Hell, it was even (sort of) mentioned in the latest album review.

… "since the 1920s" seems to be a bit off; imdb has a listing for "Girls rolling down hill" from 1903.

Holy hell
I can't believe we got this far in this discussion without discussing the obvious choice for the date today. Easily the best romantic comedy ever has to be GROUNDHOG DAY, even if there's a lot more comedy than romance. Undeniably hilarious.

Movies with romance and comedy abound
I'll see you 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN and raise you ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND and OUTSIDE PROVIDENCE. Neither are always laugh-out-loud funny, but both are genuinely romantic and funny. Hard to think of a good romantic comedy that is equal parts romance and comedy though.

everyone commenting is awesome
I don't watch ATHF (I'd know the three main characters and that's it) and even I could tell that the "Bomb" was clearly harmless. I hope this doesn't even go to trial.

Secret success
Does that mean it's worth seeing? From your review, I can only imagine enjoying it from an MST3K standpoint, but the final verdict threw me.

How odd. My boyfriend got a 20 dollar (including discount) Apex player from his days at Toys R Us 3 years ago that sounds like a helicopter when it plays discs.

Agreed, Rush
Why is it anyone can post now instead of only registered members?