
"especially given Stonie's choice to go with the brand linked to recent Listeria outbreaks"

This is the only reality show I watch on a weekly basis. I love seeing what they can do with the strange foods they're given. And I've always wondered at what point they do the talking head interviews, and now I know. Thanks, AV Club!

The three most obnoxious occasional Harmontown "guests", ranked:

I feel no shame admitting that this is my favorite Robin Williams movie, and one of my favorite movies in general. I've seen it hundreds of times, and know most of the songs by heart. A little crazy, I know. It's just one of those that I watched as a kid, fell in love with immediately, and now have a deeply

That wasn't supposed to be a dig at him, but… well there ya have it.

My husband didn't enjoy the romance in the book, but did like it for its depiction of life in the 18th century. He was fascinated with how Claire would apply her modern medical knowledge given the constraints of the time. Diana Gabaldon really did her research for these books. So he stuck with them, but I'm pretty

So happy to see this got an A! I love the books, especially the first, and have been waiting for this story to be made a TV series for years. I was sure I was going to be disappointed, but now I'm starting to get really excited. Will the show be reviewed weekly here at AV Club, Sonia?

Great obituary. Such a sad, sad day, and major loss.

I began reading the Luminaries by Eleanor Catton. I'm only about 100 pages in, but I'm enjoying it.

I submitted the park across the street from my house, but I also had to admit my dates aren't that flexible and I wasn't 100% sure I'm even allowed to host a thing like this in the park. So, those will probably be strikes against me.

Mother Earth don't play.

Mother Earth don't play.

Came on here to check the number, and thought I'd contribute. Getting pretty close!

Came on here to check the number, and thought I'd contribute. Getting pretty close!

That's that, Mattress Man.

That's that, Mattress Man.

I too just watched Meek's Cutoff for the first time last night.  Unlike most of the other movies presented in this article (which I'm also fine with not knowing the characters' ultimate fates), the ending of this movie kinda bugged me.  When I sit through such an extremely slow and often times boring movie, I want to

I have a confession… I actually liked the Brits music video enough to rewind the DVR and watch it second time.  I also agreed with the judges that something about Alisha really stood out as being professional. Her bit in the video really left an impact on me.

I'm a little irritated as well at how heavy they're laying it on Littlefinger to be a villain.  I mean, yeah, he's (awesome) a lying sneak and all, but I never felt that he was openly evil in the books.  But after his threat to Cersei, which was more heavy-handed and too obvious for him than evil, and then this week's

I'm going to have to watch this episode again… I feel like I missed a ton of little details just from reading this review.  What a fantastic way to start off the second half of the season!