White Abed

And because this show fucking sucks.

I got this firstie because the rest of you were too busy watching Betty eat cheese on Mad Men.

Fuck this show is awesome. Can't deal with the fact there's only 14 more episodes to go. I related way too much with the Abed/daylight savings joke.

@avclub-f8f8c273f326be25421cc62737d24a9e:disqus whoa, this ain't HBO.

Oh look, another article that isn't about Community getting renewed/cancelled.

Don't try to Good Will Hunting me!

I heard Courtney Love actually pulled the plug! Conspiracy!

According to Cougar Town, absolutely. Loveable, even.

Ugh, prepare for the hipster misappropriation of Joni Mitchell.

No, just you, you lonely bastard, yelling at your TV.

Dudes look at the guy in the middle of that screencap. That extra hates his life right now. Probably for more reasons than just that photo.

Heavy, man.

Okay AV Club stay with me here because I'm day drunk and have smoked a few bowls but…I fucking hated Tiny Furniture but also really like Girls. I sort of think that's because Girls knows it's a joke. Like we're supposed to laugh AT these characters. I'm not sure we were supposed to laugh at Dunham's characters in Tiny

I said that as a fan of both shows, not as a part of this stupid Community vs. Parks debate. My issue is that season 4 of Parks and Rec marks a huge drop in quality from the show's previous season and yet it's still undeservedly being praised.

No, because apparently every Parks and Rec with a few one liners, forced relationship "progression", and painfully constructed "emotional" "pay-off" gets an A now.

Why don't I just get pregnant at a bus stop?

Agreed entirely. This is what I was trying suggest in my earlier post. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't. If they use this plot too early on there won't be any "story" left to tell by season 2. Yet if they save this up the first season will be aimless. It doesn't help that the supporting cast is

I don't understand why this show is getting any praise at all. It's just another version of the "two roommates! One is uptight and the other one is wacky! They may be different but their crazy adventures will eventually bring them together!" plot over and over again.

You bought a ticket so enjoy the ride!

Someone else get a firstie. I'm getting tired of thinking of something to say.