Grandpa Seth

First things first: the Bendis/Maleev Daredevil is masterful and maybe my favorite Marvel run. It's pretty much always the first Marvel thing I recommend when people ask for recommendations.

Where to start with psychobilly:

Triumph and Torment is indeed a masterpiece. It's what really solidified my opinion of Doctor Doom as one of Marvel's best characters, villain or no. Plus that early Mignola art!

I will second both Brubaker's Captain America run (especially if you're lukewarm about the character) and Bendis' Daredevil. Back when I was an "indie comix ONLY" snob, Bendis on Daredevil really sold me the storytelling potential of superhero stuff (admittedly, most of it has been pretty anticlimactic since then, but

I think Beach House's career arch can be illustrated by someone just slowly turning up the volume.
That being said, I love everything they've ever done and this album is no exception.

Los Campesinos! released an original Christmas song last year called "Kindle a Flame in Her Heart" that was good enough to warrant a few non-Christmas plays from me throughout the year. I'd definitely recommend tracking that one down.

I'm a pretty big fan of the entire Sufjan Stevens Christmas box set. I really enjoy his take on the traditional carols, but I think his originals (Did I Make You Cry on Christmas?, Let's Boogey to the Elf Dance, Get Behind Me, Santa!, etc) really shine.


would really like to see this movie. That is all.

High Fidelity
for sure. Too many observations in that one that ring too true. The movie is also one of my most watched movies for that same reason, but obviously the book packs a lot more.

Agreed. Nothing deflates your purchasing boner faster than to find out they skimped out on giving you an actual incentive to you know, PURCHASE the album.

Ohhhhh yyyeaahhhhh!
This is probably my most anticipated album of the year and thus far on my first listen, it does not disappoint.

Mike White's looking rougher than normal these days.

Am I missing something?
Granted, it's been quite some time since I kept my ear to the ground in the punk scene (god, I hate using that term) but I seem to recall a lot of people shrugging these guys off as a less-talented Hot Water Music for the longest time. I only listened to one album of theirs, Dead Reckoning, but

Make no mistake: this game will be mine at some point, but what with LA Noire right around the corner I have to conserve funds somewhere.

I'm waiting for a price drop,
but I have to know: how is the new National song in this? I've avoided it online because I want to experience first in its original context, but I am curious what other National fans think.

Too harsh, my bad. But at least educate yourself slightly before making such blatantly stupid statements.

@Senor Bagofcrap

Also, there is a black guy in the Plain White T's so, you know, in your face Rabin.

A NEON bible?