Big Indestructible Moron

That's stupid. So because women are routinely mistreated in our culture, this guy can't politely ask people to stop talking about his dick? Of course women have it worse, in movies/television and in general. But the people blogging about some famous guy's cock don't deserve immunity. Those people are shitty idiots,

"Schools do that. They let them resign. Then they go somepace else and teach."
Why do you keep saying this? Not to say it never happens — surely it does, and it shouldn't — but to act like public schools writ large orchestrate cover-ups of sex abuse on anywhere near the scale of the one the Catholic church perpetrates

It seems like there's a curious emphasis on them because there's a curiously large scope (as in, like, unimaginably massive) to their carefully orchestrated, centuries-long abuse cover ups.

This makes you sound crazy.

Yeah what this guy said. I watched it a long time ago, but I arrived at it via Google.

That's okay, I've seen "Mr. Hands," the internet-only, moving tale of a man and his horse that served as the inspiration for the doc.

Series, or mini-series? I'm kind of optimistic about this because of Baumbach, and because despite how I feel about Franzen I liked the book, but I can't imagine it spanning more than six episodes or something.

I just googled Christopher Pike and I think he might be the Thomas Pynchon of teen horror fiction. Can't find a picture of the guy anywhere.

Anyway, the Galifinakis stuff was just to set him to look kooky in front of the cops, not to appeal to the fanbase of whatever Japanese band you guys are talking about.

Oh lord, yes. I mean, I think Bored to Death is certainly worth watching. Also sometimes they'll play one of the Rocky sequels, which I like to catch around :30 of to feel pumped up for whatever I'm about to do.

Use to like this guy, now I hate this guy.

Yeah. That kid is perfect for Otis P. Lord.

The girl who plays Ann Kittenplan in this video is really very cute. But she's also probably like 12, so. Other than making me feel gross and like a pedophile, this video is a real winner!

Man, I didn't even think it was on the same level as the last two episodes of this season. The tampon in 1 and Leon + Larry in 2 made me laugh more than anything in tonight's episode (which I did think was good).

I'm new here, but it's something about Cancer and Aids at the same time, right?

I use to love The Twilight Zone when I was a kid, and re-watching them as an adult I still do. Except now Rod Serling is usually my favorite part of every episode. What a cool dude, this guy.


Sir Osis! What's up, it's me, Don Gately also. This is my first comment, seemed the right place for it.