said the joker

Ha, you quoted my original wording - I used "incredulous" but actually meant "aghast." (Blame it on sleeping at 4am.) I believe it was the original plan and am facepalming to infinity. The Kings have said they purposely took a break from romance this year to allow the audience to mourn Will. Okay, fine. I mean: good

The plot churn has worsened to the point where I don't believe anything's going to stick unless it's in the last five minutes of the finale. I'm sure someone is going to do a thorough post-S6 dissection of all the "that's it?" storylines and characters, but off the top of my head:

DHP was my favorite. He brought a low-key energy to Prady that I really liked and think worked well in small doses. I'm glad he didn't outstay his welcome (which I felt very acutely with Elfman, Josh, and Marissa as the campaign went on).

Huh. I thought this was one of the best eps this year as its own hour, but am totally bummed by how it resolved longer arcs and signposted S7. All the mirroring of previous finales just reminded me that the present version isn't as good. In S4, I was thrilled to see Cary at the door instead of Will. That was a great

I don't believe that this was the last we'll see of Kalinda this year, so I'm reserving judgment about how her story ends. But in a way, it's moot because the show lost her long ago. By the scene in Alicia's apartment I was cry-laughing about the sheer absurdity of Archie Panjabi playing some of her final emotional

Yeah, I've been feeling more and more lately like the show has been debating for debate's sake. I remember the Kings stating in an interview that the philosophy of the writers' room was that they didn't want to make the cases map directly onto Alicia's personal life, because that wouldn't have been realistic; instead,

Yeah, I can see how this might have been an enjoyable hour for viewers who were just bored with the election and wanted to see everyone back in the offices. I thought I was one of them! But when the script requires everyone's IQ to drop dramatically in order to work, there's a big problem.

I was SO excited seeing the promo for this ep because it looked like the show would finally be returning to office politics. But instead, it ended up being another illustration of how sloppy and unsubtle the scripts have become recently. I laughed at some of the e-mails in the burn-book scenes (and “but I have said it