unauthorized calvin parody

I'm glad the works of Jung can be used to help Meg Ryan play a better Meg Ryan. Next summer the craze will be dream working with your dogs and children. Sleep, and you too can learn to pretend.

I wouldn't mind seeing Office Heros. A super team deals with the daily drudgery of saving the world. Next week on Office Heroes: When Agent Scarn is offered a position in New York's League of Superfolk he pits the team against one another for his old position. When Dwightbot 5000's safety protocols are accidently

Don't Judge Me
I'll admit it, I thought Dane Cook's first album was good. He's no Bill Hicks by any stretch, but I laughed. When his second album came out it was the first sign of his quick decent into the bowels of terrible hacky comedy. I'm convinced that he spent a lot of time on that first album, and once it made

Dave Matthews Band
came to Chicago and all I got was a shitty t-shirt

the plot gets in the way of the cutaway gags
A thousand monkey working on a thousand typewrites will eventually write the works of Shakespeare, but if you stick a TV in the room, they'll only come up with a Family Guy episode like this one.

I don't remember
but I'm sure I probably cried at Bambi and Old Yeller, or maybe I'm just identifying with that Animaniacs episode. More recently though, the end of The Elephant Man and SLC Punk made me all teary eyed.

Maybe Leo has started confusing real life with his movie roles like Reagan.

Best line in The Wrong Guy: