
The Hipster Litmus Test
A hipster is someone who takes offense at being called a "hipster."

Repeat viewings
That's half the point. As Jordan notes above, the movie forms an emotional connection with the viewer that transcends the mere need to "understand" it on some rubiks-cube level. It creates an emotional atmosphere of equal parts dread and magic that defies easy explanation … never mind trying to explain

Pretty much sums up the awesomeness as I remember it.

1977 Movie
This was an evergreen staple of weekend afternoon TV programming in the space/time coordinates of my childhood (western Nebraska/late 70s). I remember it as awesome beyond description, and it always provoked long games reenacting battles on brinks of volcanoes.

1997 - a Fine Vintage for Sci Fi
I remember 1997 as a good year for Sci Fi That Makes You Think. Contact, Gattaca, Starship Troopers, Deep Impact. They all aged really well.

Speaking of Powells…
Why isn't Portland (the Oregon one) on this list? Like dead last? I mean, I love it here and everything but seriously: Least. Sexy. City. EVER.

Deuteronomy 16:12
Is "remember that you were a slave in Egypt." It's not a commandment to own slaves, it's a reminder of why you should observe Passover.