Popcorn Dave

Nice find! Although I can't say I'm at all surprised, the episode is a perfect example of what white people think minorities are like.

ARGH!!!! Sorry for the double post. I hate when there's no edit button.

I agree as well. I give the episode credit for letting Worf act as mentor rather than the stupid thug he is in most of the series, and some of those scenes work well (like explaining the meaning of the "lullaby" that's actually a battle hymn). But instead of the wise sensei, he's the raging fundamentalist telling

I agree as well. I give the episode credit for letting Worf act as mentor rather than the stupid thug he is in most of the series, and some of those scenes work well (like explaining the meaning of the "lullaby" that's actually a battle hymn). But instead of the wise sensei, he's the raging fundamentalist telling

Great post; I completely agree.

Next one
So when's the next one?

Mrs God: I totally agree; great post. I loved how at first he was raising his eyebrows and being a bit skeptical about the TNG utopia. For a wonderful moment I thought maybe Twain was getting interesting, treating these grand proclamations with the cynicism they deserve. What a neat idea, the legendary satirist is

Yeah, it feels pretty good to watch Zack tear this turd a new one. What a waste of an episode.

I agree with him about the riddles, even in the best Riddler stories they always end up being cringe-inducing puns and nonsensical leaps of logic that Batman and Robin figure out way too quickly. I bet he's one of the hardest villains to write for, because you run the risk of turning the story into a bad 90s adventure

Sweet Dee Dee: Yeah, exactly, especially as Waynetech creates a stealth CHOPPER later in the series. Did no-one notice the similarity?

I dunno if that's good enough. We're talking about Batman here, investigating guys that almost killed a judge, he's not going to just blunder in and let himself get mind-raped. Whenever people point out stupid character behaviour it always gets excused as "oh he was just overconfident", but really we all know it's

It's not about the machine being weird or unrealistic, it's about Batman being so damn stupid as to voluntarily let a stranger use it on him. The whole plot basically rests on his brain falling out.