
I was totally going to give Gong Show a hard pass, but having in-laws visiting us recently and searching for television that we could watch together, we landed on watching the first few episodes. I absolutely loved it.

Mark Lyarlathotep

I honestly didn't know what I'd be getting with a Twin Peaks revival, but Twin Peaks lore and nostalgia folded into Mulholland Drive / Inland Empire aesthetic influences for 18 fucking hours is so much more than I could have hoped for.

Hah, I'd love to see a cabal of soccer moms plotting purge-night heists of the local Williams-Sonoma, Anthropologie, and Neiman-Marcus.

Both here and in BB, I'm blown away by the writers' ability to build these little puzzle box schemes in grounded situations that against all logic seem to come together neatly when looking back.

After the gruesome, sprawling, (but absolutely awesome) death march of BB, I'm really enjoying the tighter focus and slower sizzle of Better Call Saul. While I'm excited to see bits of Gustavo's story in the series, I was kind of hoping to see a similar spin-off ("Los Pollos Hermanos", anyone?) with yet another shift

Minimal spoilers, but a certain confidant will eventually free up your nights if you keep "requesting" her.

Though some interview I read with a dev on the game mentions specifically that they didn't create a female protagonist because of cost issues, maybe keeping the MC relatively silent will make a remaster with gender options easier. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yeah, that particular word feels a bit misplaced. Maybe "mental model" or "understanding" would feel more natural in places? But I dunno, it only sticks out because it's used as a keyword for "mapping from psyche to palace", which is alright.

Hahaha, spot on!

Hah, a great description. It would make an interesting story.

I really enjoyed the game. It hit all the right Twin Peaks / X-Files / True Detective buttons for me, personally.

While I really enjoyed the sitcom sequence, I can understand your frustration. It didn't add any new information or plot developments, and that seems like a missed opportunity. But I thought it was a really interesting way to hit the pause button on Elliot's story and just stew in the most important recurring things

As a big fan of the original comic (no spoilers in what follows), I really dig this season's slow-burn approach to playing out the prologue. In the comic, the three principal characters have their personalities emerge during the "road trip movie" that defines the comic's primary rhythm. For a TV format, I'm glad that

Interestingly, news anchors across the nation (outside of very specific markets banking on someone's local celebrity) strive to have an uninteresting accent. https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…

I've heard, anecdotally, that the generic southern accent may be the closest American relative of the modern British mainstream dramatic accent. Both seem to have evolved from a colonial shared source, but taking a few different paths. British performers largely dropped "r" sounds over the last few centuries, while