
Four episodes in.
Is it just me or do the episodes of Mad Men so far this season feel sort of detached from each other?

In retrospect, telling someone who might be in charge of hiring you that a film titled Slacker is the last DVD you bought/your favorite might not be the best choice (unless said person is familiar with the film).

I just applied to work at a shitty retail job the other day (hey, I'm still a student and times are hard) and upon handing in my resume, one of the questions the guy who took it asked me was what the last DVD I bought is. I'm never good with those spur-of-the-moment "QUICK, WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE?" type of

Miles Fisher.
Very glad he played Jeffrey Graves, the pot dealer.

Another thing that puts Metacritic above RT is that the former takes from a smaller sampling/pool of critics. That way, they don't have the Yahoo Movie Mom (no, she seriously exists - or she did at one time) to skew the overall ratings.

Talk Talk.
Their direction from just another '80s New Wave band to being the progenitors of "post-rock" fits the theme of this article perfectly.

Don catching Sal.
I let out the biggest "OH SHIT!" this year thus far.

Sashi, totally agreed. I should rephrase it then in light of your post, I'm "pro-Evan's personality and charm".

To answer your question.
"Can you imagine that routine with, say, Jeanine and Ade instead of Randi and Evan? Yowza."

I'm gonna live forever.
Let's watch the finalists watch Fame!

A few more things concerning the Kasprzak brothers.
1. Blah blah Evan was disappointing tonight and sucked blah blah. I thought he did really well in the Laurie-Anne Gibson routine. The rest, he did alright but yeah, not as well as Brandon or Jeanine. Anyway, the thing that disappointed me the most about him tonight

Also, Mia Michaels' routine.
Loved the use of Steve Reich. Brilliant.

Holy fuck, Nigel.
The old man's saying whatever he can to convince the voting audience to not vote for Evan.


An Evan theory.
Since he dances so well by himself but is so mediocre when paired up with a partner, could it be that he's gay?

Oh yeah, Top Chef as well.

Oh yeah.
Another show that fits into the same cateogory as SYTYCD's "host/judges that care + skilled contestants" is Project Runway.

After seeing Ade fuck up hard at that samba last night, I don't think Ade deserves to be in the finale any more than Evan.

The season 4 dances tonight.
I think it was more entertaining to watch than last week's ep. 100 reenactments, maybe because of the surprise factor? It wasn't previously announced, maybe that's the trick.

Boring episode tonight.