
You cried during the Tom Waits dance. Don't even front.

You cried during the Tom Waits dance. Don't even front.

Vampire Elena vs. Katherine next season please.

@avclub-104b761215d73eb331cce98b297b3aec:disqus LGBT folk can be homophobic too. Just like how POC can be racist. Just like how women can be misogynistic, etc.

It might be, not sure, long story of how I got this username.

Oh phew, that excuses everything!

Those evil lesbians are at it again!

Ohhhhh my god. The preview for the next episode has me worried. I know these promos always hype these things up but they're setting it up so they take down Tyler but he takes down Nolan with him and the show wouldn't do that, right?

Speaking as someone who doesn't have divorced parents or Crohn's disease but knows that people deal with things such as the above in very different, personal ways, maybe you shouldn't shame others for dealing with it differently than you?

The odds of Katherine being written off this show are none to none.

When you kill your own mother, I doubt you have the affection for her to call her "mother" even.

Either Lexi needs her own spinoff or the actress who plays her needs her own show.

omg i know rite~

Sure, why not.

I'm not really concerned because I have faith in the showrunners and the writers and whatnot, but it's weird how the big twist last season was the appearance of the two ghosts at the end of the finale and two episodes in, we're still getting that storyline drip by drip.

Gale's lab notes.
You forgot the Willie Nelson and Ron Paul stickers, perfectly in line with his character.

Wait, I'm confused.
So is Genevieve Koski or Donna Bowman doing the recaps?

Bianca Lawson.
I saw her name in the opening credits so I thought Emily Bennett would show up. Did I miss her?

Vicky and Anna.
Are they really ghosts? Maybe I missed something, but could they just be back from the dead, like Jeremy is? Or, I dunno, something else.

Rose was staked by Damon to end her suffering. We don't actually know if she would have died had that not happened.