
Even the most incompetent, indulgent parents have their occasional moments of attempting to discipline and being a good parent.

I have always found Cunt offensive. Honestly, I only consider Kike offensive because I am told its offensive. If someone uses it in an offsneive way, it makes their offensiveness exponentially bigger, but I do not find it offensive on its own.

FortyTwo. I totally agree.

If that's the only criticism? B+
I really liked this episode, and I honestly didn't mind it delved into somewhat of a fantasy world.

God, such good lines
"In the Lord of the Rings movies, Ian McKellen plays a wizard. Do you think he goes home at night and shoots lasers into his boyfriend's asshole?"

Idiotking, I would never call anti-semitic "endearing" as a trait…but it makes his character so much more funny.

I agree about the Cartman Father thing. Honestly, I didn't really care and that kinda ruined "201" for me. It was mildly funny that his half brother was Scott Tenorman and he was part ginger, but overall it was a waste of time.

I liked the first coon episode, disliked the direction of the second (in this 3 parter) but this one delivered. I liked the first few 2-3 parters SP did, but then I felt like they started overdoing it.

Hulk. let it be declared that you are the champion

Brad, Lea Michelle may be a good actress, but I have not seen much of it in glee. I guess my problem is its the same acting that people on broadway do.

I agree with you Wez. I have no problem with something like this if it makes itself out to be (and makes it clear) an alternate reality or a fantasy. the problem is, this was meant to be real and deal with actual issues. I would probably give it a C if this was just meant to be a goofy episode, but its the fact

Very good point. something that doesn't try to hard but flops is more admirable than something that tries way to hard (or purports to be something a lot more) but just isn't

I have not actually seen it honestly, but I am assuming by the limited clips I have seen. Plus, if I see it, I would probably rate it around there knowing my tastes.

Evan…now since you mentioned Richard the III, I have to point out that he is the anti-hero. He had a lot of faults, but you could sympathize with him. If you are talking about the actual Richard III and not the Shakespearean one I will point out that historians actually view him in a positive light.

"Sure, Beiste doesn't need a man to make her life complete, but never even having been kissed at age 40 is probably gonna suck unless you're legitimately asexual"