
But wouldn't he have taken it, too? He's more realistic than she is, it seems, based on how he was aware of how they made the offers because they needed the money, and perhaps he's more cynical, too.

Is that Alicia or the "TGW" writers?

And this is why I am so confused: there's such a lack of context for this stuff.

Yeah, but there's a huge difference between skirting the rules and playing games and breaking the law. As I said above, I'm far from an expert in this stuff, so it might be me, but it's never really been established just what he did, even in this episode. It seems kind of odd the federal case against him would be so

Is that really skirting the law or just being crafty with the rules? I think there's a legitimate difference, and I don't think we've ever seen her do anything as blatantly shady as what Kyle M did, which you rightly note.

A few things, and forgive me if some of this is me being dense:
1. I thought my DVR cut out for the first few minutes, and maybe it did, but what was the source of cash that LG got? Was it from ChumHum the company, mostly? I ask because it was fairly sudden, unless this episode jumped ahead quickly, and Neil Gross

On that note, did anyone else notice Gross' reaction at one point, where he gets up and kisses his fiancee while looking at the LG lawyers? It's as if this were a subtle "f—k you," where he knew he would just wait for the chance to screw them over when he had the chance.

Yeah, that part bothered me. It didn't seem all that different than getting a loan from a bank. There certainly wasn't anything underhanded or illegal about what they were doing.

I wish it were clearer just why he's supposed to be so interested in her. She's clearly talented, but she's not THAT good, is she? Based on what we've seen, his firm is probably on stronger footing financially—or if it isn't, they haven't said it isn't. Is he interested in access?

Did he say he lost on purpose? I thought it was pretty clear he expected Clark to take his bait, which he obviously didn't do. And when he has played clear mind games, like lying to Alicia about his dying friend, I don't think there's been any sort of purpose other than to mess with her head.

Again, was the buy in that big? I figure that, much like cars and colleges, different firms have different costs.

A few things:

Adam B:
Is the $100K really that high? I figured different firms would have different needs.

Adam B.:
Is Eli really not a lawyer? Unless I missed something, the show never made this explicitly clear. And if I recall correctly, as someone pointed out way back when, it might be impossible for him not to be a lawyer and be an equity partner at the same time.