sweet and tender hooligan

And yet she still does an obnoxious Boston accent.

Music selections
I haven't been wild about the music in the last few episodes, but how amazing was "Don't Rain on My Parade?" So amazing.

Italian variety/game show…
It's from 1984, but here you go:

Many Thanks!
I started watching Deadwood for the first time this summer and it just happened pretty much to coincide with your column. Being able to watch an episode and then read your thoughts on it was priceless. None of my friends have seen it, so this was a great opportunity to "discuss" it with friends, even

Thumbs Up! Thumbs Down!
When I think of "glitz" I think of Sacramento!

Oh, McRib. I just laughed really inappropriately loud on the train.

@Yoko Yes, this guy has a little something extra. Like a chromosome.

FACT: Linux users are not people.

It's so they can later produce X-Men Origins: Magneto, X-Men Origins: Deadpool and any other spinoff they care to make.

Shades of The Phantom Menace
For those that have seen the film, did the climactic battle remind anyone else of the Darth Maul duel in The Phantom Menace?

Millie's Indentity…
I'm surprised there has been so little discussion concerning Millie's identity being scrubbed from the FBI database. I'm probably way off base, but it seems like it could be a fairly major point.

My biggest problem with the show right now is that everyone except for Leslie is so thinly sketched.

Also, might we see A.V. Talk showing up as a podcast as some point? I'd love to be able to subscribe so I get each new one automatically.

While Chimbley Sweep is particularly wince-inducing, I think much of Her Majesty, The Decemberists is a good example of what I felt was missing from Hazards of Love. Los Angeles, I'm Yours as one particular example. Their recent Always a Bridesmaid series is another good example.

I like The Hazards of Love very much as an album, but in many ways it feels like an evolution of The Crane Wife. I find there are few songs that work outside of the album as a whole. It's not so much a knock on either, but rather I guess it's the nature of making a concept album.

God dammit.

I'm fairly confident this movie is going to make at least a billion dollars. What with the economy and all.

I'm fairly confident this movie is going to make at least a billion dollars. What with the economy and all.

Holy shit.
An only-slightly-negative review of a game the nerd community has already claimed as its own really brings out the trolls.

Joaquin Phoenix: Fat ass
Has he always been that huge?