
at least then they would have somebody to review death grips albums and not just post snarky newswires copypasted from pitchfucks

it seems like more of you should watch the counselor

sadly, no. though i am having a fun time trying to guess which songs are his based on the titles

also, entire lifter puller catalogue

i've had this in the backlog for quite a while now.
a gentleman's F means just means i need to watch it asap.
thanks grading system

stoker would have been a complete fiasco without park, though. what a terrible script.

definitely the best of the recent "south korean masters go to hollywood" thing.

mineral reunion tour and they don't play the midwest. fuck

you should probably listen to shrink dust, bro, it's pretty great

sometimes the word trencher is the first thing that comes to mind when i think of these books…

Don't worry, part II brings the usual soul crushing sadness.

Hey, thanks for reminding us you didn't pick up his new show, assholes.

For the life of me I couldn't figure out what i knew Ginger from…I've just realized he plays the sheriff in The Heart She Holler. Holy shit

i love this movie.

good thing you can skip most of it…

Much better adaptation than American Psycho that's for sure…

now i want to see it.

sounds nothing like knapsack apparently so oh well…

that "bloody" phoenix wright movie is a lot better than you'd think it would be.

the delivery is masterful