
How does everyone feel about the way Raj blatantly snitched on Leonard and Howard like a prison bitch? I really disliked the way he turned on the friends he's known for so long. He did'nt even pause to think about how to handle that situation.

It is hereby proclaimed that the new term for cocaine is "Good News".
The King Has Ordered It!

Fave eps? Sweet Dee Dates a Retarded Person and Who Pooped the Bed tie it for me. Artemis was amazing. In fact, any ep Artemis is in I'm all for it.

Did anyone else notice the position Emma's body was in as the camera pulled away from her in an overhead shot?

Judy walks in and sees Father Perv all jacked up. Joe standing there looking like he just got caught kicking a puppy.

Red Bird=Robin
White Flower= Lily

Bob: " Monolo wouldnt hurt a fly!"

Didn't the fake computer tech/german guy have complete access to the building before G.G. blew up?

Please disregard my post. I did'nt read down far enough to see that the subject has already been touched on.

Declan went to Grayson Global because Charlotte lied to him and said she was with Daniel,and not at the campaign headquarters. We all know she was really with Psycho Stalker chick. Declan wanted to be with Charlotte and assumed that she would be at G.G.
What does everyone think about this theory?