Farts and Crafts

I would rather poop and vomit tacks at the same time than see this movie in its entirety.

The Fart Party
Hey! You guys should review Julia Wertz's new The Fart Party compilation. (I tried to search to see if you had previously reviewed it but the searcher didn't work.)

This book is a really great read. I'm doubly impressed that it's a debut novel.

It's excellent. I really hope it won't be cancelled. However, I worry that it's already starting to suffer from Arrested Development syndrome - the fans fanatically enthuse about it at any opportunity which drives others away.

this show
needs it's own thread. it needs to survive. it's excellent!

Is anyone else freaked out that West, the flying boy, shares the same power as Claire's bio dad, skele-hot Nate Petrelli? Is Claire getting involved with a secret brother?

i'm so ashamed i let my eyeballs watch that.

to tomsleepy
I too tend to chafe under all the W. Anderson quirks. It just becomes too much to watch.

Okay, so now I'm not really getting why the onion av club has kind of turned into the wes anderson film club for this week. He's basically just starting his career. Maybe may this much attention to some more established and more interesting directors?

Dear Keith Phipps
Thanks for the clarification. The list becomes a little less about superfluous praise when put in that light.

this list reveals what i've always suspected - that wes anderson really isn't as original as some make him out to be but he's just a good imitator. honestly, i love his visuals but not much else.