
"God didn't write the screenplay for Suicide Squad. He didn't cast Jared Leto. It was us. Only us."

I'm waiting for them to gradually replace all the dudes in the film with older respected actresses. Helen Mirren's a start. Now we just need to get in Maggie Smith, Judi Dench, Nichelle Nichols, Isabelle Huppert, and so on. All of them driving fast cars, shooting guns and swearing like sailors.


A Whitman's Sampler of candy-asses.

I believe the trout are our future.

Also, Candyass is just the name of his wizard character. "Magus Candyass of Chickenshit".

I think that, for a certain segment of the audience, the way to stir up interest would be to say, "They were filming a fight scene, and it turned so intense they started to make out. It was kind of weird. But hot."

They followed the great Spielberg advice - the arrow's scarier if you don't show it.

It'll be the filiblockbuster of the year!


You know, everyone talks about how scared people were during that 'War of the Worlds' prank, but no one talks about how deeply aroused a lot of them were.

You must hate it when people tell you to follow your dreams.

I've never learned how to drive, but I sometimes have dreams where for some reason I am driving, and a few minutes in I'm aware that I don't know how to drive and that this is a situation I really shouldn't be in.

'I, Anal' was Isaac Asimov's rather weird entry into erotic fiction.

Wow, those people who refuse to pay creative types are right: exposure IS just as good as money!

Can't we just get beyond Thunderdome?

I guess it's all a little subjective, so it's probably pointless to try and get our opinions to match. Certainly 'Eternal Sunshine' could easily be considered a dramedy. I take it in the vein of Kaufman's other works, which are all inherently ridiculous (and, I think, very funny) even when they have serious points.

'Stranger Than Fiction', 'The Truman Show' and 'Eternal Sunshine' are all comedies; dry comedies and leavened with pathos, but still comedies. Lines like, "Aren't you glad you're not a golem?", "I am the creator … of a television show" and the "It's like a night of heavy drinking"/"Will I throw up?" exchange are all

I stopped watching 'Anchorman' maybe twenty minutes in because it was doing nothing for me. The only other Will Ferrell movie I've seen (unless you count 'Zoolander', which I also don't care for) is 'Stranger Than Fiction', which I actually quite liked.

I want the Wes Anderson version. Jason Schwartzman as Holmes, Owen Wilson as Watson, Tilda Swinton as Mrs. Hudson, Bill Murray as Mycroft, Jeff Goldblum as Moriarty.