
I don't think Rezeya was saying that Turing was the same as the angry people sending hateful tweets. They were responding to the concept of "adults shouldn't watch cartoons", not "people shouldn't lose their shit over not getting what they want from cartoons", which are two separate but (in this case) related things.

It's two things all the way down.

There's always been a tendency for people to treat their favourite fictional characters as if they're real. It can happen to unhealthy extents, but it's harmless, and kind of inevitable. What seems to be happening these days is the reverse, where people treat real human beings as fictional characters, to do with as

Big McLargeHuge!

I'm a guy who's occasionally thought of wearing dresses - they seem comfortable, and who doesn't want more clothing options - but the stigma exists everywhere. Honestly, if we could just normalise gender-neutral dresses/skirts, everyone would benefit.

The best reviews are not just recaps, they're analytical. They try to deconstruct why things worked (or didn't) and what the choices made tell us about the art that was created.

"It's 1926 week on the AV Club. For Our Consideration: Stop Jizzing Over Charlie Chaplin."

So Trump never wanted to be president, and I've started to suspect that even his supporters don't really want him to be president, they just don't want anyone else to be because everyone else is too liberal for them (even other Republicans). So you've got someone with a shot at being president who almost no one

The fuck they are. The film's been made, it exists, but absolutely no one is under any obligation to show it if they disagree with what it says. De Niro's not burning the film print, and neither is anyone else.

Queensland, also known as "the state most likely to attempt to secede from the rest of Australia and start a civil war".

No, I'm pretty sure they're in love.

If you left out the bit about being a jerk (which is something a jerk would do), I reckon a lot of people would be willing to buy you a drink and have a laugh with you for being the guy who got put on a gay cruise as a prank.

Not after the last six times.

- The A.V. Club

Somehow I read that as Nathan Lane at first. But we all know that Nathan Lane is always luminous, so it would have been redundant.

I enjoy that the milkman spends half the episode laughing into the receiver of the payphone.

*mid-disposing of Clever Username of Some Sort's body, gets Google alert that development of Zack Snyder's 'Mad Love' has been cancelled*: "Well, this is awkward."

Are you of the beard-growing persuasion? I used to get asked for ID all the time when I was clean shaven, but whack a beard on that and suddenly people think you're older. (I appreciate that beards aren't for everyone though.)

You might want to check with female and black comic book fans before determining that no one wants a Wonder Woman or Black Panther film.

"Wait, dicks like me! I'm a dick like me!"