
"Let's just say it moved me … to A BIGGER BITCH! Whoops, I said the quiet part loud and the loud part quiet."

I can picture Trump taking the swing and Hillary catching his fist. She squeezes gently. Trump's hand goes white and he sinks to his knees. Hillary leans in close and whispers, "You're in my house now, bitch."

Milo's pretty great. It's a shame it's made by Nestle, who are a really scuzzy company.

Eh. that has no suggestion of fascism.

I'd love that to spread to the wider community.

I'd choose two: "Greg McLusky".

Wow. That's a sentence a (presumably) fully grown adult wrote and was happy with. Just think about that for a second.

If I understand you correctly, you just used "marketing guru" as a verb and are requesting someone provide that service to your ass, yes? Well, I'll give it a go.

Has anyone on the AV Club ever seen a chicken?

I guess there's an authenticity thing there. You don't have to bother arguing against someone's points of view if you don't believe they're genuine.

I wish that message could get to more American conservatives. They'll piss and moan about ACA being some kind of fascist agenda, but there are so many people who would be dead, literally dead, if it didn't exist.

Oh, so now I have to explain to my children that women have arms?

I think there was a book written some years ago about the concept of "the bullshitter" as distinct from a liar: a liar tells falsehoods with deliberation, for some kind of gain, because they know the truth will hinder them. A bullshitter doesn't care what the truth is, and might inadvertently even use it; they just

Please don't put that kind of mental image in my head.

"I come for the small government, but I stay for the racism!"

It's like some little kid who's sick of their family always doing what a sibling wants to do on family outings, so when they get a chance to pick they choose something everyone's going to hate, just because they can.

Are you saying white people aren't being subjugated? But what about … I mean, there was that time … well, maybe not subjugated but have you noticed … look, sometimes a white person says something stupid, and someone else says it's stupid, and that's not very nice. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some screeds to pen.

Fox News is basically a horcrux, slowly corrupting anyone who encounters it.

In my country, there's constant complaints about "dole bludgers" (people who get as much financial assistance as they can with no intention of finding work or other means of support). While these people do exist, I think the number of them is exaggerated, and I have trouble giving a shit about people gaming maybe a

Guys, can you convince him that it would give him a huge numbers boost to do an outback trek in Australia? We have any number of creatures that can take him out, and a lot are so small he'd never see them coming.