gordon jumpsuit

It's a liberal conspiracy

Of course it was liberal. Did you see one offshore oil well in the shots of the Carnival ships at sea? Drill baby drill!

I'm also in St. Louis (within walking disranc of the brewery)and please know the ads come out of their Manhattan office.

Does he look like he's ever eaten a carrot?

Where's Patton Oswalt and his shovel when we need him?

You forgot closet organizer, classic painting restorer, wedding ringer, paid to get 30 something sons out of parents basements, and a few other outlandish jobs that are apparently more palatable to these writers than what 99%people really do for a paycheck.

I put "my mom says I'm cool" ala Milhouse.

For now. Next year it'll be Modesto

Yeah I guess I'm thinking of medium sized cities that I've lived in like St. Louis and Nashville where it's not really any more expensive to live in a fun neighborhood than it is to live way out in the burbs.
NYC, San Francisco, Boston, Chicago, etc. are diffrent animals. I'd move to the burbs there too instead of

I'd high five ya, but thanks to that pic of Allison Brie my hands are a bit, uh, busy

Actually I think if you live in any decent sized city being single isn't too uncommon. Its just not as glamorous as being in Manhattan (not as expensive either)

The L Word was set in Pittsburgh and none of those ladies ever landed a husband

Well they do have those high paying jobs that they never seem to work at to pay for them.

I can't imagine being single in Manhattan is an outlier.

Filth flarn filth flarn filth!

Stuffed Teddy Bears are people my friend

OK but I'm never gonna give up This Rick Beat

I was not getting laid to the strains of Richard Marx "Right Here Waiting" after my senior prom in 1989.

A choice pun. I give it a Grade A!

Yeah but Ted Nugent probably provides them with the carcasses of whatever animal they are calling "steak" that week.