Howling Fantods

Ancient Melodies of the Future is really underrated by BtS critics. It's like the Hard Nose the Highway of their output—the record that's just as good as the ones surrounding it but dismissed because of fatigue or something.

Totally bizarre to me that book readers are so upset about this. [SPOILERS] LS's only significant act so far in the books is to force Brienne to choose between killing Jaime or be hanged. GRR still hasn't come close to paying off that plot point as of the end of Book 5 — all that's happened since is that Brienne

Usually Needle in the Hay, but lately I've been pretty obsessed with Coast to Coast and Pretty Ugly Before. Angel in the Snow and the early version of Miss Misery off of New Moon are other songs I've listened to on repeat a whole lot of times.

I'm failing to see why it's so much more problematic to show unambiguous rape compared to describing the start of rape, followed by the woman, like, getting into it.

If what he alleges is true, I'd consider the letter to be pretty restrained, actually. How would you feel if your crazy ex gf coached your daughter to believe that you molested her?

The Lost problem wasn't the finale— it was the whole last season with the flash sideways narrative and the alternate future/purgatory stuff.  They shoulda just stuck to the island and abandoned the flash forwards/backwards/sideways for the last season and just focused on the Jacob/Man in Black fight over the island.

I fully understand why all the critics and fans like Love, Perfect and Secret the best, but for me, I always go back to Ancient Melodies since it was my first.  I played that every day for like six months when I first got it.

"Lumping together all east Asians would be like lumping together all white people. Who the fuck does that?"

What is this distinction you're drawing between the "contingent of people who just hate anybody who's not a white Protestant" and the folks who are just racist against Japanese specifically? Who are you describing here? Your granddaddy who fought in the war who hates the Japs but didn't hate Koreans or Chinese or

Jesus christ.  Yes, obviously, there are chinese or korean people who still have problems with japanese people (and probably at least as many japanese people who have problems with korean or chinese people), but saying that "koreans and chinese are all racist against japanese" is just as racist and inaccurate as any

(oops-this is a reply to hipsterdbag's comment below) that's just absurd, Hipster.  Aoki is pointing out that the creator of the show seems to have a problem with Asians generally, and points out as evidence a racist tweet that pertains to Japan.

I think BadnewsBen is saying the opposite—Ross becomes a lot funnier and more likable when he's the unstable rage-filled loser of the middle seasons instead of the whiny romantic lead of the first few seasons.

On the other hand, that capuchin monkey saves Ross's life (SPOILER ALERT!) when the genome bomb killing all male mammals hits.

I'd think the overall season 4 arc would have to be the Tyrion storyline.  The purple wedding in episode 3 or 4, the trial by combat in episode 9, and the last scene of the season would be his escape and murders.  And then Dinklage can get all the trophies everywhere ever made.

Violent J may be poorly educated but he's not dumb.

Violent J may be poorly educated but he's not dumb.

I think I've written this here before, but the reason why this show failed is:

I think I've written this here before, but the reason why this show failed is:

I only know Etrigan from his appearance in the Alan Moore era Swamp Thing.  Was disappointed he didn't rhyme.

You're talking about the "revelation" that Wonder Woman is made out of clay and that Hades was present for the creation?