Grimace from McDonalds

I don't think the idea of having soup delivered is so crazy. Sandwich shops deliver. Delis often do too, at least in large cities like NY or LA, which is probably where she lives. Hell, grocery stores deliver in those cities.

How could you possibly not know the answer to that question?


What, is this the new thing now, everyone hating the Tolerability Index? It's because Sweet Clam offered to blow someone last week, isn't it?

Well, while I'm a big fan of Louis CK, and generally love FX's programming and am glad it exists, come on. It's owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation and is a sister network to FOX NEWS. It's about as corporate as you can get.

I hate to be that guy, but anyone wanting a review of this album that actually talks about the songwriting and lyrics, instead of vague musings about how the production is too "mannered" or "tidy" or whatever, should check out this article at the NYTimes: http://nyti.ms/IG4jVT

"Bow chicka bow"? Are you Seth McFarlane?

I approve of this idea, only because I find the notion of blasting an Irish rock band headed by a black guy in Atlanta traffic hilarious.

I was kinda bored last night so I looked to see who was on. Chaning Tatum and Bon Iver? Coulda swore that was a rerun. Whatever, I'm sure gilly and drunken uncle were hilarious.

Naw, I'm all read up, and I think the Reeds are pretty boring too.

You hear that, Paradox? Your point has been soundly refuted, because the character apparently makes this guy's wife laugh.


Okay, I think you're pretty close to making your point. Just a few more negative comments should do it!

Well, the mead explains the approx. 500 strident comments you make each week accosting newbies for not being experts for some vague reason

That's not the only thing that's been yanked in favor of more Betty White … if you know what I mean

I bet that if you were really confident of that last statement, MarkinTexas, you would've only used one "very"

Or if his wife went with her original title for "Ring of Pussy"

There's a wizard sleeve joke to be made here somewhere, but goddam if I'm gonna be the one with the poor taste to make it

Holy crap, have you ever checked out his IMDB page? That dude gets WORK.

Eddie Murphy in all three roles!