Grimace from McDonalds

Well, I know you didn't ask me, but I'll answer. This episode was more sentimental than it was funny. Too much lovey-dovey stuff between Leslie and Ben, and Ann and Tom, and not enough, ya know, punchlines. Not enough Ron, either. And the way it did use Ron, having him climb some electric pole to steal cable, wasn't

I wouldn't say crazy, so much as retar … misguided.

Can't really credit him too much for Being John Malkovich, even Cameron Diaz was good in that.

So, Robert Jordan, George R.R. Martin, and the guy from Blues Traveler walk into a bar …


I think that's what annoys me the most. When any celebrity dies, it's like a certain group of commenters race to be the first one to mention it in the comments of ANOTHER article. "Hey, look at me, I heard about this first, where's the article, Sean?"

So, "holds her own" was just a bit too over the top for ya, huh? Really felt the need to clarify that IT'S NOT A PERFECT BRITISH ACCENT AND I SHOULD KNOW BECAUSE I AM AN ACTUAL BRITISH PERSON SO THERE

Yeah even the review sounds depressing and boring. "The initially game, indulgent Segel grows increasingly resentful … sinks into a prolonged funk … "

Pretty sure ElDanDan was being facetious. But if not, he has merely to check out the recent interview with Jon Hamm or any article that's even tangentially related to Tom Hardy or Paul Rudd to see evidence to the contrary.

That sounds funny, and I'm sure I would laugh at it, but I really wonder if it's the direction the AV Club comments section should be headed right now. Honestly, it doesn't seem like a strong enough premise to support the idea of an entirely new gimmick commenter. Yes, we all like to make fun of Sims and his

It's even more amusing if you realize that the tone and style of Sean's Newswire articles are largely in the same voice as the original Hater columns. (I'm thinking specifically of the liberal use of the phrase "Let's all … ")

Any slight interest I once had in reading the first book to see if it's any better than its teen-girls-only reputation has been squelched by the revelation that the lead character's name is "Katniss."

Hey, how did everything turn out at SCDP in the '60s? Is Don Draper still alive, too??

Counterpoint: The books are an engrossing, rewarding experience for those who have a mature attention span and/or imagination that hasn't been ruined by ipads and video games, whereas the TV series is largely laughable, poorly acted bullshit.

You make a good point, lad of toasters. Still, it wouldn't've killed him to crack a smile every now and then. Those types of movies are supposed to be fun.

Social media sites frequently hire what are called "community managers." Search for the words: community manager social media to see for yourself.

Yeah Evans was surprisingly dull in the role, given how charismatic we've seen him elsewhere. Seems like he was trying very hard to be Mr. Serious Movie Star. And I guess it worked for him.

If they'd've dumped some of the lamer scenes of the X-teens acting like cliched teenagers (like that awful party scene), that most recent X-men movie might've qualified as one of the best superhero movies of all time.

I like to think the writers are bitterly divided over the Community issue. "Oh sure, Todd got 5,000 comments on that last article, but it's only because Community was in the title." "Pffft. What a tool." "Right? And would it kill the guy to take a shower every now and then?"

I clicked on this article because I thought someone was hiring a "community director" for a new Captain America social networking site. And I would be so awesome at that.