Grimace from McDonalds

I can just imagine the AV Club's rave reviews for Banks' triumphant return!

I'm not saying Community fans are superior. I'm saying they think they're superior. I personally find them insufferable. But they're not as stupid as you are. Go fuck yourself.

NTSF:SD:SUV is like they wanted to make a version of Childrens Hospital with cops instead of doctors, a fine idea in theory, but they forgot to make it funny. It's fine that you like it but it's not even in the same league as Delocated.

NO. No, no, no. The Community comment boards are ridiculous; just nerds repeating the same tired quotes over and over again, or over-analyzing the most inane minutiae of the show.

No, in real life he'd be peeling the wrapper off a gas station-purchased ham sandwich

But the best way to cure a hangover is to get started on your next one! Which reminds me …

Yeah, I know it technically doesn't affect the ratings if I watch or not, and I realize they can be watched later online, but it still sorta blows that all the good shows are on Thursday night, which is the best night to go out.

Community in the title = guaranteed 500 comments and even more pageviews = good for ad revenue.

It's sad we live in a country where snobs attribute the failure of a bad, contrived, boring show to some sort of intellectual failure of the country as a whole.

It's all yours bro

Just as long as there are still riots of some sort.

What he's doing, or your comment?

And doesn't at least part of the appeal of Community reside in the fact that it's something that Big Bang Theory watchers probably wouldn't get anyway? If we're being totally honest?

It was a wonderful joke, and
not at all diminished by the explanation. You win … something.

"I laughed at a lot of the show’s jokes this week. But I don’t think I really care anymore."

Ya know, AV Club writers, using the phrase "killing it" as much as you do (and seemingly as a synonym for "is doing a darn good job") sort of robs it of its effect.

Cheers to Juanito who can defend his/her opinion with specific reasons. Well done.

I'd say those types of racist white people are his base, and he knows it, and he's getting desperate because he's watching Santorum run away with 'em.

But it wasn't five years ago, and he didn't say "black". How does changing a real situation to an imaginary, hypothetical one explain anything, other than your own prejudice?

It's an ultra-rare opportunity for conservatives to dispense accusations of racism rather than absorb them. They're always going to jump at such a chance, even if the remark in question isn't really racist but just seems kind of racist if you don't really think about it.