Grimace from McDonalds

Damn, that show sounds like quite the trainwreck … I gotta see that for myself!

I thought my dog was smart, but then I found out he wrote essays about Ernest Hemingway.

Actually, a dog's priorities begin and end with EATING. Digging holes is what they do when they want to save food to eat later, or make sure other dogs don't eat their food first. And napping is only something they do when there's no eating to be had.

In network TV, I think it's generally felt that all word of mouth is good, even if it's bad.

Season 4's finale was terrible, and hinted that our beloved witty period drama was morphing into a "Days of Our Lives"-caliber soap opera. It almost ruined the entire season that preceded it, which was otherwise extraordinary. Ipso fuckin facto.

True, lots of those old-school hard drinkin' types beat the odds and live(d) long lives due to their, I dunno, sheer alpha maleness and/or awesomeness or something … but there just seems to be an overwhelming aura of doom around this particular character. (Even if that opening sequence in which SOMEONE is falling to

Bill Maher's got his own show on HBO where he doesn't have to bow to advertisers or censors in any way. For a working stand-up comedian, it doesn't get much more dignified than that.

I realize there was some quote somewhere that I missed about the possibility of us seeing an 84-year-old Don Draper, but man … it's really hard to imagine the character surviving that long.

Season 3 wasn't nearly as good as season 2. But then, season 4 was completely awesome. Except for the season 4 finale, which suuucked. I kind of want to stop after how shitty that season 4 finale was. But the rest of season 4 was so. good. It's way past my bedtime.

I agree that people who whine about the TSA all the time are largely idiots who could apply their energy more productively … but that's what makes it such a prime target for South Park. And it is still in the news.

Okay, sorry, didn't mean to pick on ya, I just can't imagine high school kids liking that guy, much less some high school jock who'd be genetically predisposed to hate Star Wars and comic books.

And that was the day when the AV Club realized they could increase their pageviews by tenfold by posting an article with word Community in the headline every twelve hours.

Yeah, your argument is otherwise sound, but nobody's listening to Patton Oswalt albums anymore, much less high school kids.

Man that Burbank fella sounds like a real shmuck!

Oh yeah, super dated. Totally not in the news anymore at all. Whatever you do, don't search Google News for TSA. You totally won't find any news about it at all.

Yeah, that has to be one of the more aggressive ad campaigns in recent history.

Yeah, it's an alright show, but the commentariat's obsession with it here is a little … offputting. I'm certainly not seeing what they're seeing.

Oh, Sweet Clam, I want to believe you really hate the hater … but here you are every week, reading it along with the rest of us.

So, good, middle-of-the-road entertainment? Something you can enjoy if you lower your expectations and demand nothing better than mediocrity?

If it makes you feel better, they'll probably start reviewing it if enough commenters ask for it … I believe that's how we got South Park reviews in the first place, lo those many years ago