Grimace from McDonalds

It's almost like the people who comment here have just jumped en masse to a highly tenuous conclusion due to the comforts of group validation … but the people here wouldn't do that, would they?

Killing something to eat it is more justifiable, I think, than killing something so that Dustin Hoffman can win a fucking emmy or whatever this stupid show is about

I've started watching the show again recently after a bit of time away from it, and it seems like they hardly even use correspondents anymore. Which, given the quality of the current crop, may be a good idea.

Yeah, it doesn't look very good. But at this point I've seen the same damn trailers so many times that I'm just kind of sick of it and want it to go away.

I'd heard about the binky/claudia convo (which is just adorable) but that class discussion … that's just weirding me out for some reason

Maybe you can help me settle a little bet, Mr. Ford. Hamburglar says ANOTHER 48 HOURS is the best movie of all time. Ronald and myself, on the other hand, argue that it's THE KLUMPS.

It's a date!

I'd normally agree with that, but given the source, this is actually perfect material for Disney's brand of family-friendliness, I think. I'd regard it as more of a cartoon than an action movie.

Naw, keep him on that leash, La Pipe — from the sound of it, he's pretty lucky he managed to find someone willing to marry him in the first place.

Yeah, gimme a break. He so doesn't care if he's in good movies or not, he cares how big the paychecks are. He could hold out for indie movies if he wanted to. But he doesn't want to. He wants the big, fat, easy paycheck so he can continue to fund his lavish lifestyle. Stop thinking he's just some unfortunate artist

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay overrated.

What other Grimace are you talkin' about, fool? I've been here for years.

You may have me there, you little quibbler you. I think he's really funny and improves the projects he's in. But he's not god. He can't turn shit to gold. I still like to think of myself as a big fan.

Yeah but to be fair, what aspect of life DOES Hollywood get absolutely, realistically right? That's the nature of the beast — exaggerating for effect/entertainment. If that doesn't work for ya, there's always Michael Apted's UP movies.

I'm not going to bother looking it up either, but I'm sure that statement's valid if you look at where Netflix is now compared to a year ago.

Not only does House of Cards exist, but it's been asking for its mail on a daily basis.

No, they're wasting OUR money

Ol' Reed just wants to be a producer. Everybody wants to be a producer.

whoa … are you a vampire??