Grimace from McDonalds

The scary one

"The Sitter: Fuck You!"

The ads I'm seeing are all for The Soup and its smug, Dane Cook-wannabe host. Who is that douchebag, anyway?

Just to be as clear as possible about Elf, you have to REALLY REALLY LIKE Will Ferrell being whimsical.

I like the idea of letting an actor win for his/her cumulative work over the year, rather than for just one film. Not sure if that's exactly the thinking behind listing 2 films for BP's award, but it seems fair to me.

You know, if more of us took the time out of our day to do weird fucked up things with hookers in Thailand, the world just might be a little better place.

In the 1980s we didn't even HAVE fridays.

ass shots? Am I reading that right?

Lately she's taken to driving the overcrowded motorways around London Airport recklessly and at speed, envisioning in each close call the sexual implications of injuries nearly missed: the unthinkable wounds to male and female genitalia caused by steering wheel shrouds; the breasts of teenage

I'm guessing he also drags her to McDonalds on a pretty regular basis

especially if it happened at an Applebees!

Do nerds ever discuss anything in a non-serious manner?

Parks and Recreation is a very good show, but it isn't anywhere near Sunny's level. And Community? Are you fucking serious?

What do you mean, you despise her as a person? You've met her? Do you even begin to see the irony in making a statement like that, while accusing her of shallowness and vapidity?

Man, I don't get the love around here for One Hour Photo. I thought it was laughably bad, especially Williams' acting.

All major sports championships preempt regular TV programming, dipshit. Jesus Christ, you really can't handle one week without Jim, Pam and fucking Whitney? And you're complaining about it on the review of a show that not only aired without interruption, but is far superior to anything on motherfucking NBC?

It's also at that period in its run where it's just entering syndication and it seems like it's on every fucking channel, all the time, every goddam day.

For me, change "no" to "some" and "can't" to "often". Then delete "*didn't*" and the second sentence entirely. Then go to the store wearing condoms on both your ears — I think that's funny.

STFU = Save the Fucking Universe!