Grimace from McDonalds

If only all wallet inspectors were so morally considerate!

I agree. The show is ultimately about Jerry, too, and boy, did he evolve into a huge asshole over the course of the show's run. For a sample of his sheer real-life pricktitude, please refer to his special appearance on "The Best of the Larry Sanders Show" DVD.

I masturbated to this thread due to my boredeom.

Oh yeah, he's puttin' on that lipstick, but it sure don't look like he WANTS to be puttin' on that lipstick!

This is just ridiculous, offensive cultural bias. I mean, who's ever met an Australian sober enough to put a knife up anyone's throat?

Great, another Jason Sudeikis movie. I just hope Don Johnson had the good sense to stay away from this one.

You, sir, are successfully shaking the six-sided die of wisdom. Or 16-sided. Or whatever it is you goofballs are using these days.

Yeah, those sticks sound like they're causing some serious TV blockage. Get 'em the hell out of your house, man!

Meanwhile, Todd's campaign to get everyone to call him "T-Bone" has yet to catch on

Maybe you should write your own obit then.

Yup. Absolutely perfect for the Critic, among other roles.

No, you're right. I like what it's trying to do, but this show is pretty lame. If you're gonna copy the Children's Hospital formula, don't forget to cast some funny actors.

I just went over to IMDB to find another example of a Jeff Bridges movie even more boring than those you listed, thinking there must be a ton, only to discover that there was once such a thing as "The Lloyd Bridges Show".

Yeah, I can see why you'd want to get rid of the trolls before starting this feature.

Aaaaaaand scene!

I've often thought this too. As the years go on, we're going to be saying goodbye to a lot of legends. And they're going to come a lot more frequently, too, because our culture created a lot more celebrities in the 60s, 70s, and 80s than in any of the previous decades.

Shit, with all the money Bay's made off of us, he could build a whole army of robots out of hookers and blow.


I remember Transformers getting a C here, which was way too high of a grade. I also remember most of the commenters hating the movie, except for a handful who took that shit real personal and would not stop whining about how everyone who disliked such an awful movie was clearly a "hipster douchebag". I remember waaay

Boss: "NICE. High five!"