Grimace from McDonalds

I disagree. The opening warehouse action sequence was as bad as anything else in the move. A 60-something year old dude flying around on his whip like Spider-man? Please. Indy has always been about the suspension of disbelief but that was sheer cartoonery.

The good emperor James being the exception to my little rant of course. That dude ain't afraid of nothin'.

It's telling that almost everyone hating on Radiohead is unregistered. There's nothing wrong with being unregistered, mind, but it's possible that people don't want to go on record hating this band because they know deep down that there really is nothing to hate and they're just a little bit ashamed of that.

I don't think Cold Stone is that much better than the other places. But it is fashionable, and it is overpriced, and so it is popular. (At least in California, where people love to overpay for products that really shouldn't cost that much money.)

And what's the deal with little kids who are allowed to just walk around outside without an adult present? Can't we do something about that? More police! We need to watch these kids 24/7, dammit, or something bad is bound to happen!

Settle down, ricinbeans. You like her. Great. We get it.

I assumed most of us think this shtick is pretty fucking weak and just generally ignore it.

Better check Scott Auckerman's blog to see what the real story is on this.

Nice segway!

Does everyone who lives on the shitty, rainy East Coast have this irrational jealousy for all things West Coast, or is it just you guys?

I for one applaud his decision to go in new directions. Who'd've thought we'd ever see Woody Allen direct a somewhat autobiographical movie featuring an overtly Jewish leading man!

I find this comment to be lewd and lascivious.

Alert! Making fun of bad actors is what we do around here.

Ellie wins!

That's also why I still haven't seen "The Wire".

What a strange and malicious attack on John Meredyth Lucas. I always thought "The Changeling" was one of the best episodes.

That's my favorite joke from the movie. I love how the game just stops and that hockey player comes barreling off the court to kick John Candy's ass.

Moore understands that sometimes you need to be abrasive to be heard in this country. He definitely comes off as a jackass too often for comfort, but there are many other public figures far worthier of hate.

Dude, I've been meaning to talk with you about that …

Wait, isn't Will Smith in any movies this summer? If so, that will win. For whatever reason he's the guy that puts butts in seats.