Grimace from McDonalds

It's funny how Diesel is crawling back to all these shitty franchises that he walked away from a few years ago. I guess someone isn't as big a star as he thought he was!

"Get out of my dreams, get into my car!"

Hate on remakes all you want, but they're nothing new. Hollywood's been remaking movies pretty much from day one. Sometimes with good results (The Maltese Falcon, Scarface). Mostly not (pretty much everything else).

I didn't realize it was him in Semi Pro either 'til the credits rolled. Not a great movie, but Haley did a pretty good job with that (brief) role.

So is this gonna be Freddy's background story? Like they did in the Halloween remake? Because that's what I really want to see in my horror movies, you know, Dr. Phil-esque explanations of what happened to them as children that made them turn into such bad people.

"the mall version of an actual talented person" — that's the perfect summary of this chick. Nicely done.

Many, many of the "local" newspapers that have folded were mostly vehicles to reprint AP and other wire news stories for local readers who didn't have the means or desire to engage in the larger world in a more active way. The Internet has made that service completely obsolete. So, the business folds. That's life.

It's too bad the Seattle PI wasn't involved in approving bad home loans. Then they coulda got some of that sweet taxpayer cash the financial industry is currently sponging up.

I thought Larroquette was pretty good in Southland Tales. (Seriously)

"Don't Go There" will be right back after these messages!

Night Court's later seasons were pretty awful. There was a very lengthy run where Larroquette's character turned into a "nice guy", I think it happened when they killed off the homeless guy who used to be his servant.

All of this RATM-bashing fails to acknowledge that that band could, at one point, kick out the fucking grooves. Take or leave the lyrics or the solos, and you still have some sweet grooves.

My Phel 3000 is still working just fine, thanks. Maybe next year for the upgrade.

And enough of the over-defensiveness of same, Mr. DeLay.

Well, at least you can admit it.

People might know the movie's almost 3 hours going in, but they don't know if those will be fun, "time-flies-by" 3 hours, or boring, "time-stands-still" 3 hours.

Wow, 8,000 comments AND your own personal troll! You've come a long way, Pilgrim.

Yeah, I always thought "Euphoria Morning" was a decent effort.

So Timbaland is the more respected of these two? The guy who produced Justin Timberlake has more cred than the ex-Soundgarden frontman? Then these truly are black days.

This one better have some Philip K Dick in it!