Grimace from McDonalds

Aw, don't be dicks, if a couple of dudes wanna make a movie date on the AVC comment boards that's their god-given right!

I just listened to the Woodstock movie soundtrack last weekend for the first time in like 10 years. I'd forgotten how fucking epically rocking it was. That one would probably be my pick in the documentary category.

Well I reckon any state what's got "Pillar" is good enough fer me

If only!

I don't remember Hurley having any funny lines in Austin Powers. She mostly just looks disapprovingly at Austin's wacky shenanigans. In a very sexy way, though. Also, casting her as Mimi Rogers' daughter was pretty smart.

I know everybody always says personality, but I'd really have to go with breast size.

What are the low-brow elements you refer to? You mean how Sulu's always getting kicked in the nuts?

You know what really pisses me off? On Star Trek, Leonard Nimoy played a Vulcan, even though he was HUMAN. And everyone knew it, too! What a bunch of fucking bullshit.

I agree. I thought the part where Liz Lemon was talking while she was crying, and Jerry got mad because he thought she was imitating her, was quite funny.

Yet after GI Joe comes out all the nerds will be calling her the hottest thing ever, even though she has no talent and is annoying as fuck. And isn't even really all that hot. I'm gonna call this the Megan Fox phenomenon.

Thylacine, such a plot, if successful, would just make us more cynical … and therefore much more hipster douchebaggier than ever before

Preferring Mike Nelson over Joel Hodgson is like preferring John Mayer over Jimi Hendrix.

Yeah, coulda used a spoiler warning there.

If you live by the beach (and why wouldn't you?) then you don't have to worry about those fucking fires. Nor the smog.

Cruise fight!!

This is probably gonna suck, but don't fool yourself, it's gonna take more than one bomb to bring down the Apatow empire.

if they're liveblogging it, that means you DON'T have to watch it

2 Soon!