
Yeah, it's Dead Alive, and it is his best film.

Yeah, it's Dead Alive, and it is his best film.

Let's not waste too much energy wondering why Kirstie Alley does anything. But I actually didn't know she was a Scientologist. She makes more sense to me now, and 'Look Who's Talking' seems more deserving of a rewatch (as in I might do that if there were literally nothing else on Earth with which to occupy my time),

Let's not waste too much energy wondering why Kirstie Alley does anything. But I actually didn't know she was a Scientologist. She makes more sense to me now, and 'Look Who's Talking' seems more deserving of a rewatch (as in I might do that if there were literally nothing else on Earth with which to occupy my time),

I was sick this past week, and I only get one channel (local Chicago station the UToo, sister station to the U and MeTV). It's basically TV for the unemployed and shut-ins. The programming isn't top-notch, but it's easy to ignore since they mainly show bland sitcom re-runs and court shows, so I had it on at a low

I was sick this past week, and I only get one channel (local Chicago station the UToo, sister station to the U and MeTV). It's basically TV for the unemployed and shut-ins. The programming isn't top-notch, but it's easy to ignore since they mainly show bland sitcom re-runs and court shows, so I had it on at a low

I just moved back to Chicago after spending some time in the Twin Cities, and ever since I've wondered what the crack-smoking-on-buses policy is here, considering the buses in the Twin Cities are rolling crack houses.

I just moved back to Chicago after spending some time in the Twin Cities, and ever since I've wondered what the crack-smoking-on-buses policy is here, considering the buses in the Twin Cities are rolling crack houses.

And you are a Columbia College student?

And you are a Columbia College student?

Odd, or maybe it's just that people are capable of acting against preconceived notions.

Odd, or maybe it's just that people are capable of acting against preconceived notions.

McCarey was gay.

McCarey was gay.

Ha, "job"

Ha, "job"

"What is it they say on Broadway? Pizza House?"

"What is it they say on Broadway? Pizza House?"

Shut up

Shut up