Joan the Vampire Slayer

Maybe I had him confused with Max. It's been a while since I watched the show.

Yeah, looks like you're right. I could have sworn he was around longer than that though.

Or Jon Hamm…

He's also Buffy from Jonathan.

No one fancies hot robot sex with Brigitte Helm?

William Demarest I'd rank second. Eugene Pallette being first.

You're all wrong. The hottest character in the buffyverse is Wesley.

Not strictly kid things. Probably one of the reasons I no longer have roommates too.

When I was a kid I'd twist open an Oreo place a couple of olives in the middle and put it back together. Also a very good way to irritate your roommates, apparently.

I think the only way a show can go out with dignity is for it to be canceled before it goes wrong. Would Firefly have such a devoted following if it had gone seven seasons? I doubt it.

I always find any episode dealing with Amy to be dire.

I also remember that show being exclusively in black and white. That can't be right. This is turning out to be vaguely unsettling.

Who was the showblocker on the fake Ghostbusters? The gorilla? That's the only character I remember.

Do you think you could get a job writing for Peep Show? I'd like to see that.

How about Seth MacFarlane on FlashForward? Of course, that show was never good. I stopped watching that show early on. Hopefully Seth MacFarlane's character was brutally murdered.

I'm not sure if variety/talk shows count but

I don't hate Dawn either. She's not one of my favorite characters, but she's not nearly as bad as Riley.

Colonel Tigh - Battlestar Galactica
Garak - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Not that I've seen Spy Kids 2. I just remember having an irrational hatred for hit.

I don't remember much about Siskel, to be honest. Although I do remember my young self being incensed at him for giving Ghostbusters 2 a thumbs down. He can't have been worse than Roeper.