
"It's our son … having sex … with a woman!"

Season 5 is not quite up to par with 1-4 but there are some very funny episodes, particularly the story arc at the end of the season. Sort of like later Seinfeld - not as great as what came before but still better than 90% else of what's out there.

Eating Raoul yes but The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover I think has to be the choice for "the most deranged movie about food"

Jimminy pigfucking Christmas I can't believe that between about 20 writers and 1000 comments only one person bothered to recall what was certainly the most hallowed f-bomb of my childhood.

Well to be fair I also dislike CBS's passing on "Beverly Hills Cop"  for reasons other than it is more of this unoriginal remake garbage.  And god BHC 3 was such a travesty, that well is dry. But it did remind me of one my favorite random credits on an IMDB page, Hal Ashby's right at the top.

I can't say I ever expected to be saying this but props to TMZ, the only site to bother to include a pdf of the verdict sheet with their article.  They may be garbage but I am impressed that treat their readers like adults and realize they may want to read the thing for themselves.  Not a knock of avclub - it is just

I can't say I ever expected to be saying this but props to TMZ, the only site to bother to include a pdf of the verdict sheet with their article.  They may be garbage but I am impressed that treat their readers like adults and realize they may want to read the thing for themselves.  Not a knock of avclub - it is just

When they were in 'better financial straits' they probably shoplifted jumbo shrimp.

When they were in 'better financial straits' they probably shoplifted jumbo shrimp.

Four years later he got to make Meteor Man as the writer, director and star with a sizable budge for the time ($30 million) and if I remember correctly solid marketing support as well as a ton of talent - the cast list for that movie is nuts - and the end result was a complete bomb.  Rightfully so, it is genuinely a

Four years later he got to make Meteor Man as the writer, director and star with a sizable budge for the time ($30 million) and if I remember correctly solid marketing support as well as a ton of talent - the cast list for that movie is nuts - and the end result was a complete bomb.  Rightfully so, it is genuinely a

It is a bit odd to say that it was his writing that started 'engendering dread' around the time of He Got Game in 1998.  The last movies he had written before it were Clockers (1995), fairly well received, as was Crooklyn (1994).  Girl 6 (1996) was the real stink bomb, but he only directed on that one.  He gets a

It is a bit odd to say that it was his writing that started 'engendering dread' around the time of He Got Game in 1998.  The last movies he had written before it were Clockers (1995), fairly well received, as was Crooklyn (1994).  Girl 6 (1996) was the real stink bomb, but he only directed on that one.  He gets a

The most I will ever like him is if he does a true Amy Winehouse tribute and gets back on the horse.  The dragon's calling for you Rus!

Personally I think the Grapes of Wrath was his most powerful work, Stagecoach is solid pick also.  In some respects even Fort Apache is a stronger film than The Searchers.  She Wore a Yellow Ribbon is a sentimental favorite of mine, so I can't really say objectively where it fits in.  None have the visual wow-factor

Personally I think the Grapes of Wrath was his most powerful work, Stagecoach is solid pick also.  In some respects even Fort Apache is a stronger film than The Searchers.  She Wore a Yellow Ribbon is a sentimental favorite of mine, so I can't really say objectively where it fits in.  None have the visual wow-factor

There are definitely fun moments in The Searchers but that is why I can't agree with it as Ford's best movie.  Visually it is stunning but I felt like he could never fully commit to its coldness and brutality and the random moments of levity pull you out of the film a bit and makes the parts, like the Hollywood

There are definitely fun moments in The Searchers but that is why I can't agree with it as Ford's best movie.  Visually it is stunning but I felt like he could never fully commit to its coldness and brutality and the random moments of levity pull you out of the film a bit and makes the parts, like the Hollywood

Oh how I do enjoy this comment, thanking a Left Bank filmmaker for leading one to Vertigo, not exactly an obscure path.  'Mama I can watch Hitchcock now the cool Frenchman said it was alright to like it!'