
Oh how I do enjoy this comment, thanking a Left Bank filmmaker for leading one to Vertigo, not exactly an obscure path.  'Mama I can watch Hitchcock now the cool Frenchman said it was alright to like it!'

Well, they were I Think I Love My Wife and Head of State.  And the same statement would be true of Tommy Wiseau.

Well, they were I Think I Love My Wife and Head of State.  And the same statement would be true of Tommy Wiseau.

Yes, yes it is.  Since they are both from Linehan and so similar in structure, they're set in a workplace and feature a cynical guy, a naive guy, and a platonic female, this can almost be shown like by an equation:

Yes, yes it is.  Since they are both from Linehan and so similar in structure, they're set in a workplace and feature a cynical guy, a naive guy, and a platonic female, this can almost be shown like by an equation:

Has Wood mellowed out at all over the years?  I saw his mini-series on Alexander the Great and the Trojan War, which had a lot of good history in them, but his manic spaz narration was just too much for me to take.  I remember wishing his native guides would just toss him down a cliff or something while they were out

Has Wood mellowed out at all over the years?  I saw his mini-series on Alexander the Great and the Trojan War, which had a lot of good history in them, but his manic spaz narration was just too much for me to take.  I remember wishing his native guides would just toss him down a cliff or something while they were out

He may outrank Captain Corrigan but ol' cappy would still whup his ass.

He may outrank Captain Corrigan but ol' cappy would still whup his ass.

Although personally I don't care enough about music to be bothered beyond highly convenient delivery systems, I can at least see the appeal of record collections.  They are hefty things with nice grand covers that seem to have substance, like a well-done printing of a book.  CDs are cheap little pieces of plastic

Although personally I don't care enough about music to be bothered beyond highly convenient delivery systems, I can at least see the appeal of record collections.  They are hefty things with nice grand covers that seem to have substance, like a well-done printing of a book.  CDs are cheap little pieces of plastic

I just caught his Hawaii (1966) the other day on one of the movie channels, it's not on the level with his best work but certainly worth a watch.  One of those forgotten epics, big budget and almost 3 hours long but seems pretty obscure today, I would probably have missed it but I recalled it was his from checking out

I just caught his Hawaii (1966) the other day on one of the movie channels, it's not on the level with his best work but certainly worth a watch.  One of those forgotten epics, big budget and almost 3 hours long but seems pretty obscure today, I would probably have missed it but I recalled it was his from checking out

I was certainly stunned by the Harvard graduation opening scene of Heaven's Gate, mostly by the fact that it lingers on for 20+ minutes of 44-year-old Kristofferson and 40-year-old Hurt, looking every bit of it, as new college graduates.  And if you make it worth my while I will look past the fact that the character

I was certainly stunned by the Harvard graduation opening scene of Heaven's Gate, mostly by the fact that it lingers on for 20+ minutes of 44-year-old Kristofferson and 40-year-old Hurt, looking every bit of it, as new college graduates.  And if you make it worth my while I will look past the fact that the character

Winning the Special Olympics & etc

Winning the Special Olympics & etc

This is one of those episodes that raises the question of what exactly the Sopranos was at its core, a drama with many amusing moments and characters or an incredibly black comedy with an unusual number of dramatic scenes.  The comedic aspects are usually intermixed with the drama of the show, but this episode has a

This is one of those episodes that raises the question of what exactly the Sopranos was at its core, a drama with many amusing moments and characters or an incredibly black comedy with an unusual number of dramatic scenes.  The comedic aspects are usually intermixed with the drama of the show, but this episode has a

Who exactly is this Reggie Watts man and why must I see his stupid face while fast-forwarding commercials every time I record a movie off of IFC?  Is he a refuge from their douchey beard show?  How can I make him go away?