
Who exactly is this Reggie Watts man and why must I see his stupid face while fast-forwarding commercials every time I record a movie off of IFC?  Is he a refuge from their douchey beard show?  How can I make him go away?

Personally I think the most cringeworthy the show is willing to go is when they give Fischer or Krasinski non-comedic scenes, although this may be unintentional.

Personally I think the most cringeworthy the show is willing to go is when they give Fischer or Krasinski non-comedic scenes, although this may be unintentional.

Sorry but if you gave his last two movies a B and a B- it is too late to start calling out this charlatan now, you had your head up your ass for too long to join the club. 

It's kinda cute that apparently people still give a fuck about what day and time shows are aired.

It bears the mark of the beast, "Running time:  124 minutes", and this is sufficient to hate it on principle.  This idea that Apatow and his spawn have that sex, scatalogical and stoner comedies should often be 2+ hours is a dangerous one and may ruin many of what would be an enjoyable 100 minutes. 

Tried watching it recently but threw in the towel after the scene when Douglas is being chased by a security guard and his billionaire non-action hero character decides to jump out of a 5th or 6th story window into a dumpster rather than face like a trespassing charge.

Three times in a row, even.  Not to be overdramatic but I imagine for at a few people around here missing that would count as an emergency and wanted to get my good deed for the year out of the way.

Not that it was the best choice, but I will never begrudge John Ford an Oscar. Some positive results from that win:
- Allowed Ford to have the most Best Directors (won his 4th for The Quiet Man, Capra and Wyler have 3), which seems right to me;

I would have been happy to keep watching it, except for the fact that it is not actually very funny.

I have long regarded Paul McCartney as something of the patsy schmuck of famous musicians, I think mostly because of that fucking song and the fact that he sort of looks like a chipmunk.

If it was a vote for my favorite I would probably take Fawlty Towers but I'm not sure it is such a great show to do a write-up on - no arcs, pop culture references, character development, etc - which sort of drive those things.  Frisky Dingo is better suited, and as an added bonus, will probably make at least a few

Not even a passing mention of Pat Cooper guest starring in The Friar's Club?  I remember it as one of the more enjoyable aspects of that episode.

Pineapple Express had some laughs but was mostly ruined by being almost 2 hours long, which makes it like the Shoah (in running time only) of dumb stoner comedies. On the other hand, might not be Green's fault, probably the hack Apatow wanted it to be 150 minutes and that was a compromise.

Yeah it is really awesome when you provide a bunch of publicity for a group of hateful mongos that clearly love being in the news instead of just ignoring them.  It implies that they are worth responding to.

Yeah I think it is pretty well known that he was born on the bayou.  Especially when he does that mongo stare down thing before he throws a pitch, it's clear he is short a few sets of great-grandparents.  I imagine he was shipped up to Boston as part of some sort of carnival attraction.

The Sopranos may have been the best cast show of all time, particularly the small roles, but the one mistake they made was using two women who looked vaguely similar to play the undercover FBI agent and Adriana's contact.  I think I missed the episode where they switched agents when it first aired and was subsequently

There are people who know they are stupid, there are people who know they are intelligent, and there are people who enjoy Aaron Sorkin's work.

When I saw the Cosby screenshot of him birthing the hoagie it brought back a very vague memory of seeing that episode when it first aired - I was about 8, all I remembered was that the guys all gave birth to random objects, it made no sense at all to me at the time (and maybe not even now I have never seen it again)

On the bright side I can now add Johnny Depp to the list of people whose deaths I will have a good laugh at. Didn't take too long to fill that Winehouse slot.