
Is this a new thing?  Thankfully I can't recall my parents ever trying to get me to watch their beloved old crap when I was a kid.  Sort of pathetic, trying to shove your childhood nostalgia down your kid's throat.  Besides, the movies might suck now, but apparently you can get blown in elementary school, which is

I'm not a huge fan of most of this Rudd fellow's films but there is no way he sucks as much as Danny McBride, who has a shtick that was funny for about 10 minutes.  Oddly enough, when that 10 minutes ran out, they decided that he should have a movie career.

The fans' situation seems sympathetic at first but becomes less so as the article goes on listing the time after time that they were burned.  Every time it seems the author writes far more books than originally intended and fills them with pointless arcs.  But really by now I can't feel bad if people who read these

Reminds me of Wall Street
Both have their flaws, but they do an excellent job of capturing the zeitgeist of 80's Wall Street and early 90's LA. Or at least the popular portrayal of them, I have no personal experience either. But Wall Street and Boyz were far from the only works to paint a similar picture, they just

Who the fuck
ever planned on quitting a Nintendo game as soon as they found some random item or bought a ring (not even a sword, a damn ring). When most people are 9 years old they think they will grow up to be astronauts or pro athletes or something, this guy could not even aspire to beat Zelda.

Decent Show
As long as you take a puff and fast-forward all the parts where this guy is driveling like an idiot doing some pointless crap on earth and just watch the space shit.

Stray Observation
When Larry is sitting at his desk, there is a book by Susie Essman on the shelf right behind his head. Also a random bottle of vodka.

My Mind Is Still Blown
By her Times magazine cover a few weeks back with the sub-headline 'She is one of the most talented filmmakers of her generation. She is one of the most aggravating filmmakers of her generation. Can both these statements be true?" AFTER TWO FUCKING FEATURES. I know she did not write it but I