
there is no sanity clause !

Instagram is controlled by facebook which is owned by a jew who married a woman of chinese descent. So obviously it's the chinese.

I hear it's better than great.

Shit trevorrow is directing that one too ?


Meanwhile Jai Courtney created a series of perfect Hokusai recreations in a japanese restaurant but no one gives a fuck.

which part do you imagine ?

Is she ? forget what I said then … Gina will you marry me ?

What she is given to do in the brink is a shame really.

You should quit mexican food then …

Do you even CrossFit ?

Actually based on interviews I think the story will readbe more like an "whiplash" with MMA and her mom as JK Simmons. That momma is brutal.

Yeah I think she is pretty muched doomed when Carano who was prettier and had more acting talent is now making B movies …

Yeah I think she is pretty muched doomed when Carano who was prettier and had more acting talent is now making B movies …

Yeah I think she is pretty muched doomed when Carano who was prettier and had more acting talent is now making B movies …

Yeah I think she is pretty muched doomed when Carano who was prettier and had more acting talent is now making B movies …

Yeah I think she is pretty muched doomed when Carano who was prettier and had more acting talent is now making B movies …

Yeah I think she is pretty muched doomed when Carano who was prettier and had more acting talent is now making B movies …

Yeah I think she is pretty muched doomed when Carano who was prettier and had more acting talent is now making B movies …

Yeah I think she is pretty muched doomed when Carano who was prettier and had more acting talent is now making B movies …