
Yeah I think she is pretty muched doomed when Carano who was prettier and had more acting talent is now making B movies …

Yeah I think she is pretty muched doomed when Carano who was prettier and had more acting talent is now making B movies …

Yeah I think she is pretty muched doomed when Carano who was prettier and had more acting talent is now making B movies …

all aboard the hype train !

Career-wise Jay Courtney is breathing down is neck.

the promo looks awful.

In other words the show lacks balls ?

Except the last season of TUF was abysmal.

Mc Conaughey and Harelsson end up in a cave, see some sort of CGI galaxy while they are both about to die and then it sort of .. ends ….

yet we will all be 'bating when she appears on screen …

and 2012 in 2010 ?

If that can cheer you up they only cost around 10 dollars to make

Is that big rothko that was in the boss's office in the first season there ?

I expect my videogame characters to stop running after 3 minutes to catch breather, go home, and call it a day.

shopping cart you sexist !

was about to post that. it seems like a waste of a photoshop

Nah it's just random artwork.

what's the point if you can't finish ?

… at the botttom of a bag of doritos !

Thanks for remiding me this is based on a real pic