
It was already done when Fast & Furious became Fast 5

The Paul Blart Mall Cop trailer was sexier than this.

I saw the polygon interview where justin mcelroy chanced on the subject. You can see in his eyes the "controversy gold !" look when the Ubisoft PR gave that answer.

For Shame, you are missing out

I thought the episode was in the top tier of what we saw until now but not something to write home about.

"overlapping love triangles" ? You can never overlap a love triangle ! *waggles eyebrows*

Cumberbatch ? I hardly know her !

I hope someone gets fired for this

The NEW rich wear shorts, and are mocked by old money for it.

Lebron needs his hand energy to pull mad dunks but I guess he still uses it to wipe his arse in the morning.

Goldtoe ?

She does look like one !

""Please call me Susan, only my enemies call me Mister Doom !"

Can't wait for the version where it is all driverless google cars automatically stopping and starting for maximum safety.

It's the name of his philippino manservant.

I'm sorry Tinseltown but this Jai Courtney ain't happening.

I don't have any intense hatred for Sorkin and I watch the Newsroom with some degree of enjoyment but this , along with his jobs script, sounds terrible. Hope he makes that movie about Wall Street though that might be more up his alley.

Bradley Cooper as drake sounds terrible. Not "labouf terrible" but still terrible.

And by reboot you mean copy ? It's not like F&F invented car movies. At this point the only defining trait of a F&F movie is having groot in it and some token illegal underground race scene (not even sure if the last ones even bothered)

I can't figure if P.Unrein is supposed to be a pun.