
Justin Long's Rock's dong ?

And who plays the older guy in a shirt ? Bruce Campbell ?

I noticed Daddario's played it low key in order not to upstage Cece's . They already used that True Detective's scene for their emmy submission so it's not like they could sit that one out.

I'm old an white and I still feel so cool walking down the aisle of my local supermarket listening to superfly on my headphones.

This guy I want to AC/DCeased ?

One little known fact about bran is that he has great shits.

Paris ?

There is a gag somewhere with 90 year old, loose colon, drug smuggling, and colostomy bags but it's dinner time here so I won't make it.

And all the drugs are gone !

Does it mean I can put a " Christopher Nolan thinks it's a real film" sticker on my home produced dvd of me farting on command for 40 minutes ?

But you can smell it from three blocks away from what I heard.

I still don't get the primer flowcharts. And believe me I tried !

I'm pooping above you RIGHT NOW !

Didn't like it either. Way too wacky for for wacky's sake. It feld forced to me.

not bad

I would run a train on his daughter.

I've got a tower of my own for her to look at !

I watch it. It's trash entertainment but I like it.

Somewhere on the set of Falling Skies, Noah While cries himself to sleep every night.

Also could they have gone with a less flattering pose for baby spice ? It looks like she is having stomach cramps.